Young Farmers and Ranchers
Missouri farmers and ranchers ages 18 to 35 are eligible to participate in the MOFB Young Farmers & Ranchers program. This group works to help young farmers build the relationships, knowledge and skills necessary to succeed as a leader in agriculture.
Opportunities for Missouri Young Farmers & Ranchers
Missouri Farm Bureau has many programs for Missouri’s Young Farmers & Ranchers to get involved at the state level. Opportunities include:
- IMPACT Leadership Academy
- YF&R Achievement Award
- YF&R Excellence in Agriculture Award
- YF&R Discussion Meet
- Collegiate Farm Bureau
For more information on any of the above programs, please contact us.
YF&R Committee
Each state board district selects two families to serve on the state YF&R Committee each year. The annual Chairman of the committee also serves as an advisory member to the MOFB Board of Directors. Members also have the opportunity to serve on the national YF&R Committee and attend the YF&R national conference in the spring.
District 1
Joseph Frueh — Nodaway County
Jason & Taylor Shrewsbury — Clinton County
District 2
Mason & Hannah Kiehl — Linn County
Kyle Kendrick & Jessy Schomaker — Marion County
District 3
Dustin Stanton — Boone County
Jeffrey & Brandelyn Twellman — Lincoln County
District 4
Geoffrey & Kay-Lynn Lysinger — St. Clair County
Theo Rieckhoff & Makenna Seghers — Pettis County
District 5
Adam & Kayla Wansing — Maries County
Nathan & Amber Woehr — Osage County
District 6
Aaron & Elizabeth Reeves — Dunklin County
District 7
John & Lachelle Clemons — Cedar County
Caleb & Allison Robertson — Taney County
District 8
Justin & Kayln Raef — Laclede County
William Rollins — Pulaski County
Additional Information
Achievement Award
Young farmers and ranchers (age 35 and under) can enter the Achievement Award contest. It is designed to recognize the outstanding farmer and/or rancher based on their efforts in production agriculture and leadership achievement. The ideal candidate(s) for the Achievement Award is an individual or couple involved in production agriculture with a majority of his/her income subject to normal production risks. After receiving the preliminary applications, judges narrow the field down to three entries. Those three prepare a more extensive entry form and a new set of judges choose the winner, along with second and third place. The winner will be recognized at the Missouri Farm Bureau Annual Meeting in December.
The winner of the state YF&R Achievement Award receives cash awards, which includes $500 from the Missouri Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture and $500 from the Ford Motor Company. The second and third place winners will also receive cash awards and plaques. The state winner moves on to compete in the national contest, at the American Farm Bureau Annual Meeting, in January where they can win a new Ford pickup.
Excellence in Agriculture Award
This award is designed as an opportunity for young farmers and ranchers, while actively, contributing and growing through their involvement in Farm Bureau and agriculture, to earn recognition. Participants will be judged on their involvement in agriculture, leadership ability, involvement and participation in Farm Bureau and other civic, service and community organizations.
The state Excellence in Agriculture Award winner receives cash awards, which includes $500 from the Missouri Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture and $500 from the Ford Motor Company. The state winner moves on to compete in the national contest, at the American Farm Bureau Annual Meeting, in January where they can win a new Ford pickup.
In the event that the minimum requirements for any contest are not met, Missouri Farm Bureau reserves the right to withhold awarding a winner in any of the YF&R contests.
YF&R Discussion Meet
The Discussion Meet is a group discussion designed to offer young farmers and ranchers the opportunity to discuss issues affecting agriculture today. It is not a debate or a speech contest – it simulates a committee meeting where discussion and active participation is expected from each participant. Click the link above to get more information about the YF&R Discussion Meet.