Missouri Meat Producer Directory
The Missouri Meat Producer Directory is a statewide county by county listing of farmers that sell beef, pork, lamb and poultry directly to consumers. The list also includes processors from across the state, some having fresh and frozen meat cases, that offer services to livestock farmers and consumers.
County | City | Business Name | Phone | Description | Website | ||
Adair | Kirksville | The Butchers Block | 660-341-9444 | Hours: M-F 9-4:30 | |||
Adair | Queen City | Mast Meats | 660-766-2211 | Hours: M-F 8-5, Saturday 8:30-3 | |||
Adair | Kirksville | Countryside Market | 660-665-3215 | Hours: M-F 8:30-5:30, Saturday 8:30-4:30 | |||
Adair | Kirksville | McCarty Cattle Company | 660-341-5971 | We’ve been selling beef from the farm for over a decade and have many loyal customers. You can learn more and reserve whole, halves, quarters and eighths of beef by following @McCartyCattleCompany on Facebook. We welcome you to come visit the farm! | facebook.com/McCartyCattleCompany | mccartycattlecompany@gmail.com | |
Adair | Kirksville | Kilmer Cattle | 660-989-7855 | ||||
Adair | Kirksville | Sampson Cattle Company | 660-216-1522 | ||||
Adair | Novinger | Wayman Cattle Company | 660-341-2251 | ||||
Adair | Kirksville | Wheeler Hereford Farms | 660-341-0687 | ||||
Adair | Novinger | T/G Cattle Co. | 660-216-8751 | ||||
Adair | Kirksville | Ruth Family Farms Premium Meat | 660-342-7074 | We are a family owned processing plant. We provide custom butchering servies and sell our home raised antibiotic hormore free beef. Our beef is a premium product that never disappoints at the dinner table. | breanna99ruth@gmail.com | ||
Adair | Kirksville | Cheha Ranch | 573-881-8089 | USDA inspected bison and beef cuts available. | cheharanch.us | alan@cheharanch.us | |
Adair | Kirksville | Hillbill Hippie Farm LLC | 661-900-6200 | Grass-finished beef, pasture raised rabbit, herbs, and many more farm grown products. | www.facebook.com/share/18Y3C8QdVc/ | hhfarmsllcmo@gmail.com | |
Andrew | Savannah | Byergo Angus | 816-261-5198 | sales@byergoangusbeef.com | |||
Andrew | Union Star | Whisphering Dreams Ranch | 816-261-4262 | Grass fed/grass finished Dexter and lamb. | dayang@aol.com | ||
Andrew | Rulo, NE | JP's Butcher Block | |||||
Andrew | Johnson, NE | Pelican's Meat Processing | pelicansmeatprocessing.com | ||||
Andrew | Savannah | CJ Katahdin | 816-752-0218 | Sheep and lambs. Lambs normally ready to go after first of the year. | cjkatahdins@hotmail.com | ||
Andrew | Cosby | Kapp Farms | 816-752-2481 | Angus beef | kappfamilyfarm@gmail.com | ||
Atchison | Rock Port | Farm2Fork Ranch | 816-261-8029 | We hand raise our cattle, sheep, goats, pigs and chickens to provide you with good, wholesome meat and eggsx | farm2fork.ranch@yahoo.com | ||
Atchison | Fairfax | Roger Pennel Farms | 660-744-4376 | Corn fed finished butcher calves. | randl@rpt.coop | ||
Atchison | Tarkio | Crooked Creek Angus | 660-583-9430 | garrett@missourilandandhome.com | |||
Audrain | Mexico | Hedge Holler Harvest | 573-721-3032 | hedgehollerharvest.com | hedgehollerharvest@gmail.com | ||
Audrain | Centralia | Brown's Country Meats, LLC | 573-682-2741 | Beef, pork | facebook.com/brownscountrymeats | hjbrownfarms@gmail.com | |
Audrain | Centralia | Brad Lawson | 573-881-5040 | Sells beef | |||
Audrain | Centralia | Benoit Family Farmstead | 573-682-7423 | benoitfamilyfarmstead.com | thebeniotfamilyfarmstead@gmail.com | ||
Audrain | Vandalia | Wallace Family Farms | 573-473-0779 | wallacemeats.com/contact | |||
Audrain | Martinsburg | Jeff Fennewald | 573-473-7590 | Beef in 1/4, 1/2 or whole | jfennewald@msn.com | ||
Audrain | Centralia | McBride Family Farms | 573-682-3918 | Beef, quarters, half or whole. | mcfarms92@gmail.com | ||
Audrain | Centralia | Anvil C Ranch | 573-819-3565 | Beef | facebook.com/anvilcranch | anvilcranch@yahoo.com | |
Audrain | Laddonia | Stone Family Farm | 573-473-0991 | Beef cattle | farmer_stone@msn.com | ||
Audrain | Farber | Spencer Creek Beef | 573-822-5348 | Local home raised beef. | spencercreekbeef.com/contact | olcountryatore1@gmail.com | |
Audrain | Mexico | Bean Creek Beef LLC | 573-473-6578 | Grain finished farm fresh beef! Antibiotic. Hormone, steriod free. | ericpaden@yahoo.com | ||
Audrain | Mexico | Mexico Premium Meats | 573-253-6104 | We are the wives and mothers of farmers right here in mid-Missouri. We believe in the cattle that our families are raising so much that we are processing our beef at White Barn Processing (a MO Department of Ag inspected processor) and are licensed by the state to sell directly to you. We know buying farm to table beef from your local farmer is different than buying from your grocer. We would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have about our beef. Our beef is raised from conception to harvest on our farms right here in Audrain County. | MexicoPremiumMeats.com/contact | mexicopremiummeats@gmail.com | |
Barry | Monett | PB&J Acres | 417-489-6040 | paul@pbandjacres.com | |||
Barry | Cassville | Burnin R Farms | 417-229-2451 | We are one of the few farms raising Ossabaw Island hogs for their excellent quality meat. We also raise chickens for meat and eggs, and cows for occasional beef. | burninr.com | brett@burninr.com | |
Barry | Purdy | Amos Cattle Company | 417-844-0495 | Black angus and angus cross cattle. | facebook.com/Amos-Cattle-Company | rick.amos@amosbuilding.com | |
Barry | Purdy | Rockin P Ranch | 417-846-3037 | We are a family owned business that operates a starting yard for cattle. We maintain approximately 500-900 head. | rafterp@windstream.net | ||
Barry | Cassville | Shady Grove Farms | 417-847-6720 | Dorper and White Dorper Sheep | Cgarner.bfpd@yahoo.com | ||
Barry | Cassville | Bil-les Farms | 417-737-9334 | We are a mom and pop cattle farm. Small operation with quality cows, steers, heifers and bulls. We take excellent care of our cattle. All on fresh water and fed with a high quality feed and hay. Shots are kept up to date. Assortment of breeds along with some registered low line Aberdeen. Call for appointment to personally select what beef you would like on your table. | walkerbill555@gmail.com | ||
Barry | Aurora | Mountain Creek Ranch | 417-689-0026 | We are offering home raised and USDA inspected beef that is grass fed and grain finished. We sell the beef by quarter, half or whole. We also offer hamburger only options as well. We are dedicated to delivering the best and antibiotic/steroid free beef straight to your freezer! | grnewman@mountaincreekranchmo.com | ||
Barton | Lamar | Rick Morgan | 417-214-2769 | mmorganfarms@gmail.com | |||
Barton | Lamar | BarJbeef | 417-214-4711 | We sell beef products individually packaged or in bulk. All products are USDA inspected. Includes ground beef, steaks, roast, etc. | barjbeef@gmail.com | ||
Barton | Lamar | CJW Pino Ranch | 417-682-1461 | We have Dry Aged Beef that is home raised an finished on NON GMO corn and alfalfa. Timer Raised Pork that live in the trees and also fed NON GMO feed. Also, Green Grass Whole Chickens in short supply. Check us out on Facebook and Instagram! | Cjwpinoranch.net | jacquelyn@cjwpinoranch.net | |
Bates | Drexel | Bob Arnold | 660-464-1675 | bsarnold85@gmail.com | |||
Bates | Urich | Bergman's Blest Ranch | 660-424-0802 | Farm raised locker beef to sell. | bermansbest@gmail.com | ||
Bates | Archie | Red Tail Ranch | 816-738-6440 | Local farm raised beef, pork, chicken and lamb packaged in the store. | |||
Bates | Butler | Charlie Maxfield | 816-699-2257 | Farm raised locker beef to sell. | |||
Bates | Amsterdam | Matt Kohler | 816-679-4966 | Farm raised grain fed locker beef to sell. | |||
Bates | Butler | The Meat Shoppe | 660-679-1785 | Cuts of beef, pork and chicken to see in store. | |||
Bates | Adrian | Shawn Vansandt Farms | 816-564-4885 | Farm raised locker beef to sell and possible contact for pork. | |||
Bates | Butler | Brett & Libby Foster | 660-679-1194 | Farm raised ALL natural beef. NO hormones, NO antibiotics; Beef processed & packaged at USDA inspected locker for resale. Choose from 80/20 or 90/10 ground beef 1 or 2# packages. Free pickup in Butler and Clinton, Ground beef, steaks, briskets and roasts available. PayPal or Credit Card payment accepted. | |||
Bates | Amsterdam | McBee's General Store | 660-267-3400 | ||||
Bates | Passaic | McBee's Real Bratwurst | 660-200-7162 | Burgers, ribs, steaks, pork chops, chicken and homemade bratwurst. | |||
Bates | Butler | Becky Smith | 816-297-2004 | Hogs for sale to be butchered. | |||
Bates | Rockville | Sherlene's Catering and Meat Processing | 660-598-4234 | ||||
Bates | Rich Hill | Rich Hill Meat Processing | 417-395-4161 | ||||
Bates | Adrian | Farrar Family Farms, LLC | 816-739-1307 | Grass-finished bee, forest-finished pork, pasture raised chicken and turkey, grass-finished lamb. Sell by the cut or in bulk, home delivery, on farm pick-up. Also Lee's Summit Farmers Market. | farrarfamilyfarmkc.com | contact@farrarfamilyfarmkc.com | |
Bates | Butler | Hertzog Meat Company | 660-720-2333 | Our Premium beef is 100% Natural Black Angus. We dry age all our beef for a minimum of 14 days and all animals are antibiotic and hormone free. You can stop in our store in Passaic MO or order online. You can find our beef in restaurants across Missouri and Kansas. We als have pork and bison available to purchase | Shop.HertzogMeatCo.com | Mike@hertzogmeatco.com | |
Benton | Warsaw | Jackman's Meat Processing | 417-998-6488 | We are a family-owned, multi-generation custom meat processor. In our retail shop, we have a great selection of brats, as well as pork, beef and poultry and we can cut to your specifications. Call ahead for special orders | jackmanmeat@gmail.com | ||
Benton | Windsor | Ozark Valley Farms | 660-723-1960 | Beef, pork and lamb, halfs and wholes, by the cut and pound, farm to fork. Mssouri or USDA inspected, registered with the State Of Missouri as Farm to Fork and distributors. Grass raised and grain finished. | ozarkvalleyfarms@gmail.com | ||
Benton | Cole Camp | Back Yonder Farms | 660-221-5001 | Pasture raised, medication and hormone free pork, chicken (GMO Free), turkey and eggs. | backyonderfarms.com | backyonderfarms@gmail.com | |
Benton | Warsaw | Cherry Tree Cattle | 660-723-0036 | Grain fed beef available | brent.schibi@gmail.com | ||
Bollinger | Zalma | Elderland Meats | 573-722-3622 | elderlandmeats.com | |||
Bollinger | Patton | Patton Junction Livestock Auction | 573-866-3366 | ||||
Bollinger | Patton | The Butcher Block | 573-866-3464 | facebook.com/butcherblockpatton | |||
Bollinger | Burfordville | Marcus & Kelli Birk | Kdbirk2004@yahoo.com | ||||
Bollinger | Glenallen | Mesta Meadows | 859-536-0767 | Beef and lambs. We process beef once per quarter, and typically have lamb ready in the first half of the yaer. We sell quarters, halves and wholes on beef, halves on wholes on lambs. All our beef and lamb is USDA inspected/processed. You can also buy individual cuts ar out farm store/The Mason Jar Store. | mestameadows.com | ed@mestameadows.com | |
Bollinger | Marble Hill | Ozark Prime Beef LLC | 573-282-0874 | Offering ranch raised beef in quarters, halves, and whole beeef. Order on ozarkprimebeef.com and use our interest fee payment plan. Also offer ground beef. All farm fresh, hormone steroid and antibiotic free. | ozarkprimebeef.com | keith@ozarkprimebeef.com | |
Boone | Harrisburg | K.P. Processing | 573-881-2690 | Slaughters cattle & pigs | kp-processing.com | ||
Boone | Centralia | Covered L Farms | 573-682-5536 | coveredlfarm.com | coveredlfarm@gmail.com | ||
Boone | Columbia | Patchwork Family Farms | 573-443-1568 | patchworkfamilyfarms.org | patchwork@morural.org | ||
Boone | Centralia | Benoit Family Farmstead | |||||
Boone | Centralia | Savannah's Farm Fresh | 573-682-4562 | facebook.com/savannahsfarmfresh | savannahsfarmfresh@gmail.com | ||
Boone | Centralia | Browns Country Meats | 573-682-2741 | hjbrownfarms@gmail.com | |||
Boone | Ashland | Cranes Meat Processing | 573-657-2501 | We sell MO beef and hog sides or whole | wlcrane@live.com | ||
Boone | Columbia | Mizzou Meats | 573-882-0591 | animalsciences.missouri.edu/mizzou-meat-market/ | |||
Boone | Centralia | Tunes Meat Locker | 573-682-2517 | ||||
Boone | Clark | Seven Hills Livestock | 573-864-9470 | I offer speciality lamb products raised right here on the farm and processed in the Missouri inspected locker in Center, Missouri. Products (purchased by package) include jalapeno and cheest bratwurst, smoke and cheddar bratwurst, bbq snack sticks, jalapeno snack sticks, hot summer sausage and pepper jack summer sausage. I also have lamp chops. Whole lambs are also available. | almdt3@gmail.com | ||
Boone | Hallsville | 2M Beef, LLC | 573-205-7914 | We specialize in shipping and delivering locally-raised beef. We have individual cuts, boxes, bundles, and 1/4, 1/2, and whole beef options. | 2mbeef.com/ | info@2mbeef.com | |
Boone | Columbia | Sonshine Chicken Ranch | 573-291-8767 | Sonshine Chicken Ranch was born out of our love of growing healthy, humanely raised, food for our family Our chickens have access to green grass, sunshine, with plenty of space to forage and just be chickens. We sell pasture raised Cornish Cross chickens that are professionally processed at a state inspected butcher shop. Free delivery for purchase of 5 or more birds within a 30 miles radius of Columbia, Gravois Mills, Independence, St. Louis and New Madrid. Free delivery in Jefferson City on the day of chicken processing. We ofren have a variety of layer chicks available as well (day-olds, sexed pullets and roos, laying hens and mature roos). Check our our Sonshine Chicken Ranch farm page on Facebook. | store.inksoft.com/sonshine_chicken_ranch/shop/product-detail/1001518/ | orders@SonshineChickenRanch.com | |
Boone | Ashland | Abounding Acres, LLC | 573-366-7505 | Pasture-raised chicken, rabbit and Kunekune pork. | aboundingacresllc@gmail.com | ||
Buchanan | St. Joseph | Clarks Custom Meats | 816-364-3728 | Open 10-5 | clarkscustommeat | ||
Buchanan | St. Gower | Brendles Butcher Block | 816-424-1258 | brendle231@gmail.com | |||
Buchanan | Agency | Bradley Payne | 630-688-2583 | Sells frozen packaged lamb such as chops, burgers, brats, leg of lamb and shoulder roast. | brad.payne65@gmail.com | ||
Buchanan | Rushville | Pierce & Sons Farm | 402-578-5743 | Local grass fed, corn finished beef. No steriods or antibiotics. | jtpac1@yahoo.com | ||
Butler | Poplar Bluff | Stovall Meat Wholesale Company | 573-785-3368 | ||||
Butler | Poplar Bluff | Deep-Freeze, Inc. | 573-785-2327 | facebook.com/pages/category/Butcher-Shop/The-Deep-Freeze-Inc-138383849542310/ | |||
Caldwell | Kingston | Walker Farms | 816-665-4277 | Raised fat steers and heifers. All been on corn silage and grain diet since they weighted 800 lbs. Also have cows if wanted something just for hamburger. | jayscottfarms@gmail.com | ||
Caldwell | Cameron | Skinner Family Farms | 816-244-5735 | Freezer beef whole, half, quarter. | jkaboergoatfarm@yahoo.com | ||
Caldwell | Lathrop | Mayes Ranch LLC | 816-935-9481 | Home raised butcher calves, been doing it for 20+ years, have references. Typically butcher in January and February. Clark's custom meats is the processor you will be be disappointed. | |||
Callaway | Auxvasse | R & R Processing | 573-386-2273 | Deer processing (bring in tag for paper work), beef and hog butchering by appointment, retail meat on hand ready to go, custom cuts when available. | randrprocessing65231@gmail.com | ||
Callaway | Auxvasse | Linnenbringer Farms LLC | 573-544-0114 | Beef Cattle | linnenbringerfarms.com | luke@linnenbringerfarms.com | |
Callaway | Tebbetts | Invermos Valley Farms | 573-619-3634 | Beef, Poultry, Speciality meats. | invermosvalleyfarms@yahoo.com | ||
Callaway | Fulton | Central Missouri Meat & Sausage | 573-592-4886 | centralmissourimeatandsausage.com | centralmeats@yahoo.com | ||
Callaway | Fulton | Horn Butcher Shop | 573-642-1035 | ||||
Callaway | Jefferson City | Lage Farms | 573-690-6778 | lagefarmsllc.com | |||
Callaway | Auxvasse | Phillip Crain | 660-998-0889 | ||||
Callaway | Auxvasse | Slater Acres | 573-289-1678 | Farm-raised meat chickens. Can also be purchased at Central Missouri Meat and Sausage in Fulton. | diane@mopork.com | ||
Callaway | Fulton | Craighead Farms LLC | 573-220-0719 | Commercial beef cattle | kcraighead35@gmail.com | ||
Callaway | Auxvasse | Jangus Genetics LLC | 573-826-0926 | Quality farm raised grass fed and grain fed angus beef available. | jangusgenetics@gmail.com | ||
Callaway | Montgomery City | Nature's Plow | 765-430-0222 | Offering beef processed by a USDA inspected facility and free delivery. | naturesplow.com | naturesplow@gmail.com | |
Callaway | Montgomery City | Diamon H Meats LLC | 608-553-2368 | We raise and finish grassfed angus to sell directly to the consumer. Primarlity our beef is sold by the cut. Free local delivery. Pickup available. | dianemondhmike@gmail.com | ||
Callaway | Fulton | JT Farms | 573-303-4925 | We offer Cornish Cross Boilers, Turkeys, Corturnix Quail, pork and other meat animals as requested. W eare small but growing to meet needs, soon to add heritage breed meat animals. | facebook.com/JTFarms | jtfarms20@gmail.com | |
Callaway | New Bloomfield | Twisted Z Cattle | 573-291-0963 | Home raised, all natural red angus beef. | tzumbehl@callawayelectric.com | ||
Callaway | Fulton | 4B Land and Cattle | 573-289-2002 | We offer home raised, farm fresh beef that can be custom ordered as a whole, half or quarter of beef, processed at a local, family owned processing facility. We also offer USDA inspected individual cuts upon requests. Our orders are always delivered to the customer. | mofarmer1991@outlook.com | ||
Callaway | Portland | Fallen Cedar, LLC | 636-448-4243 | Home of the Black Wattle. Heritage Breed Hogs raised on soil. No antibiotics or hormones. Butcher, feeder, 4-H/FFA, and roasting hogs. | fallencedarllc.com | tcnner@yahoo.com | |
Camden | Richland | K&K Meat Processing | 573-480-1635 | ||||
Camden | Montreal | Tom's Slaughterhouse | 573-346-5233 | ||||
Camden | Camdenton | The Butcher Shop | 573-346-6665 | butchershopatthelake.com | |||
Camden | Richland | White Angus Ranch | 573-480-3176 | Grass fed, grass finished beef sold a la carte as well as 1/4s, 1/2s & whole beef. All of our beef is reaised by us on our family ranch. Our animals are grass fed & grass finished and hormone, antibiotic and GMO free. | whitenagusranch.com | brook@whiteangusranch.com | |
Camden | Macks Creek | Big Rock Beef | 573-280-6870 | Family farm raised beef; grass pastured with added daily grains. No added hormones, no antibiotics, no feedlot. One owner, one farm, one excellent product. | Bigrockbeef@gmail.com | ||
Camden | Camdenton | Webster Farms | 573-286-5714 | Black Anguss beef for sale from our farm. No hormones or antibiotics. Also raise meat chickens which are fed non GMO grain and grass. Visit our farm store on Fridays 2-5. Here you will find our meats, fresh breads, jams and jellies, and our Elderberry products, all from our farm! | webster-farms.com | lndwbstr@gmail.com | |
Camden | Camdenton | Spencer Creek Farms | 573-286-2396 | Our family's passion is raising drug and hormone free beef for you to proudly serve your family. Spencer Creek Farms' cows are treated with love, compassion, and raised on grass, in the heart of the Ozarks. We value our humane approach to cattle management, practiced in all aspects of our farm. | spencercreekfarms.online | spencercreekbeef@gmail.com | |
Cape Girardeau | Pocahontas | Reis Meats | 573-833-6281 | reismeat.com | |||
Cape Girardeau | Millersville | Hinkebein Hills Farm | 573-381-1802 | ||||
Cape Girardeau | Oak Ridge | Ron's Butcher Shop | 573-788-2122 | ||||
Cape Girardeau | Burfordville | Knowlan's Family Farm | 573-243-7777 | Knowlan Family Farm aims to provide local fruit, vegetables, grass-finished beef and family fun. In 2016 we are opening our doors for the first time. About 1/3 of our apple crop will be available for picking this year. We will also have a pumpkin patch this fall, as well as apple cider and other goods for sale at the farm store. Eventually the farm will offer 29 varieties of apples (over 2,700 tre...es) as well as peaches, nectarines, pears, blueberries, pumpkins, vegetables, grass-finished beef, and other local products. The years to come will also bring more activities for kids and families as we continue to grow. We look forward to seeing you on the farm. Like our page to stay up-to-date on which varieties are in season and when to come pick your own! | knowlanfamilyfarm.com | ||
Cape Girardeau | Cape Girardeau | Family Friendly Farms | 573-382-3844 | Family farm with a store that sells fresh milk, eggs, produce and locally raised meats. | |||
Cape Girardeau | Jackson | Brookside Farms | 573-986-8781 | Home raised Angus beef available as halves and quarters. Butcher ready lamb, raised on high quality pasture, supplemented with grain. Both beef and lamb are delivered to the nearby custom processor of your choice. | kicker-24@hotmail.com | ||
Cape Girardeau | Jackson | Yester Year Meats, LLC | 573-833-0022 | SEMO farm specializing in locally raised beef and pork delivered to your door. All of our meat is raised in our herbicide/pesticide free pastures with no hormones, and no routine antibiotics. One ingredient- BEEF or PORK! Wee offer bundles, Whole/Half Quarter as well as full menu of cuts. | a href="http://www.yesteryearmeats.com" target="_blank">yesteryearmeats.com | meat@yesteryearmeats.com | |
Cape Girardeau | Jackson | Bootheel Branded LLC | 573-489-8892 | We are a family-owned beef cattle ranch in southeast Missouri, providing farm-to-table Premium Steaks. We raise our cattle on grass and finish them on locally-sourced, clean, non-GMO grain. We do not use steriods or antibiotics. We sell mainly quarters, halves and wholes (incorporating your preferences on cut specifications), but also sell individual cuts. We deliver orders to the St. Louis area free of charge. | bootheelbranded@gmail.com | ||
Carroll | Carrollton | 3C Cattle Company | 660-542-1234 | ||||
Carroll | Tina | Brickhouse Farms | 660-542-4033 | ||||
Carroll | J&N Livestock | 660-542-8593 | jandnlivestock@gmail.com | ||||
Carroll | Carrollton | Carroll County Mercantile | 660-322-1671 | ||||
Carroll | Hale | J & J meat Processing LLC | 660-565-2415 | Headjustin88@gmail.com\ | |||
Carroll | Hardin | Safley Farm | 816-776-9028 | Corn finished beef for sale; processed at USDA inspected locker and licensed to sell in Missouri. | |||
Carroll | Bosworth | Skyline Farms | 417-598-9100 | Angus beef, grain fed, bred for carcass qualities like high marbling and low backfat. Email for more information. | SunshineCraftsNCreations@gmail.com | ||
Carroll | Hale | CBP Locker | 660-565-2415 | Fully operational Slaughter and processing locker. We offer custom and USDA inspected slaughter and processing, along with farm kills and Emergency kill services. We have an experienced staff under new ownership in a newly renovated facility. | support@cbpmeats.com | ||
Carroll | Norborne | Windmill Acres | 660-322-2569 | For my FFA SAE project, I specialize I in pasture raised pork, poultry and eggs. We use a certified USDA processing facility and are license to see in the state of Missouri. | kastonpitt@gmail.com | ||
Carter | Winona | Valley Vision Ranch | 573-842-8676 | 100% grass fed beef and pastured poultry. | valleyvisionranch.com | valleyvisionranch@gmail.com | |
Carter | Grandin | Ozark Meats | 573-593-4199 | ||||
Cass | Garden City | Kurzweil's Country Meats | 816-862-8463 | A variety of homemade smoked meats & sausages. Proud supporter of Agri-Missouri products. Lunch served daily. | kurzweilscountrymeats.com | ||
Cass | Pleasant Hill | Wendel Farms | 816-804-3141 | wendelfarmsccd@gmail.com | |||
Cass | Peculiar | Wolf Creek Family Farm, LLC | 816-738-0715 | Naturally raised pork. | wolfcreekfamilyfarm.com | farmfresh@wolfcreekfamilyfarm.com | |
Cass | Archie | Red Tail Ranch Beef | 816-738-6440 | ||||
Cass | Raymore | Pfeiler Family Farm LLC | 910-548-0450 | Chickens, pork and eggs | |||
Cass | Cleveland | Robert Chance | 816-250-2459 | Chickens and eggs | |||
Cass | Belton | Batchelder Family Farms | 816-914-9240 | We sell naturally raised Angus beef on our family farms. Grass only or grass & grain finished. You can buy 1/4, 1/2 or whole sides of beef. | batchelderfamilyfarms@gmail.com | ||
Cass | Harrisonville | Rafter W Ranch | 816-520-8876 | We sell pork, chicken, turkey, eggs and milk. | carsyn_g@yahoo.com | ||
Cass | Drexel | AH Farms | 816-258-1680 | Family beef farm raising and selling VERIFIED all natural frozen beef products: steaks, ground beef, roasts, briskets, etc. Third party verification. No hormones, No antibiotics, No animal byproducts. ANIMAL welfare certified. Pick up, delivery, and shipping of products. Can purchase large quantities (1/4 or 1/2 a beef) or 1 or packages! Tbone, filet, ribeye, KC strip, sirloin, prime rid roast, short ribs, slab ribs, tri tip steak, brisket, arm roast, chuck roast, ground beef patties, 1 or 2 pound lean ground beef, stew meat, skirt steak, flank steak, and soup bones are just some of the cuts we offer. | AHFarms.net | AHFarms2017@gmail.com | |
Cass | Belton | KCBuffalo Co LLC | 816-322-8174 | We have raised bison for 35 years. We sell federal inspected bison meat. | KcBuffalo.com | kcbuffaloco@sbcglobal.net | |
Cass | Drexel | Kimbrough Farms, LLC | 816-809-6274 | Calf to finish naturally raised Angus beef on our family farm. We sell 1/4, 1/2 or whole beef. Pasture raised with grass and grain finish. | craig_allen23@hotmail.com | ||
Cass | Cleveland | Niblo Farms | 816-225-6044 | Farm fresh pork, sausage and brats. Eggs as well. | niblofarms.com | niblofarms@gmail.com | |
Cass | Drexel | Phillips Premium Pork | 913-207-9288 | Thanks for visiting our page! Our family has produced 100% Missouri reaised, high quality Duroc pork since 1967. Our pigs are fed a precicion quality diet through regenerative agriculture practices from our land and local farmers. Our commitment to animal care is umparalleled, and it show in teh consistency and productivity of our pigs. As a third-generation veteran owned farm, our love for our country and love for raising pigs are unmatched. We continue to choosre a life of service to the pork industry, and the farm that God has untrusted to us. Direct from our farm family to your table, an eating experience you won't soon forget. Our product separates itseld from other pork in its color, marbling, and tenderness, with no added solutions. Phillips Premiu Mprk is how pork was meant to be. | phillipspremiumpork.com | mckenzie@phillipsag.com | |
Cass | Pleasant Hill | The Heirloom Farm, LLC | 816-258-9007 | I sell heritage breed lamb, goat and rabbit meat. | brisheirloomurbanfarm@gmail.com | ||
Cedar | Stockton | Willow Ridge Country Market | 417-276-9472 | Local Regenerative Food Source offereing pasture raised poultry, grass fed beef, lamp and pork to complete our meat selection. We also offer local honey, eggs and seasonal produce. Trevor operates our portable sawmill for custom milling. To complete our store front we offer a variety of precut lumber of various species, tabletops, religious signs, ,tic-tac-toe and cornhole games, measuring charts for children and many more. These items make great gifts or pieces to complete your decor. | willowridge@willowridgefarmsllc.com | ||
Cedar | El Dorado Springs | Red Cedar Ranch | 417-496-1623 | redcedarbeef@gmail.com | |||
Cedar | Dunnegan | Cooper Cattle Co. | 417-955-2431 | We have fresh ground beef for sale, nothing added to it, no antibiotics or hormones, just pure beef. | coopercattlecom@yahoo.com | ||
Chariton | Salisbury | Salisbury Meat Market | 660-388-5816 | ||||
Chariton | Salisbury | MO Legacy Beef | 660-788-3555 | ||||
Chariton | Marceline | Kings Processing | 660-376-2640 | ||||
Chariton | Marceline | Gladbach Farm | 660-413-2569 | Beef sold in 1/4, 1/2 and full | gladbachfarm@gmail.com | ||
Chariton | Keytesville | Double Creek Farms | 660-676-3300 | Lamb meat | |||
Chariton | Salisbury | Henke Angus Farms | 660-676-6233 | ||||
Christian | Ozark | West Wind Cattle Ranch | 816-668-9500 | Grass-fed beef | valerie@westwindcattleranch.com | ||
Christian | CX5 Ranch | 417-770-2110 | cx5ranch@gmail.com | ||||
Christian | Sparta | Eat Me Cattle Co | 417-844-0578 | Grain fed beef - farm raised | moore2203@gmail.com | ||
Christian | Ozark | Ozark Meat Company | 417-581-5000 | Custom processing, quality retail meat and speciality products. | dherion74@gmail.com | ||
Christian | Republic | Cross B Ranch | 417-880-1145 | Wagyu ready for butcher | pistolpaul51@gmail.com | ||
Christian | Sparta | Rogers Gelbvieh | 417-234-0384 | Raised on grass, then finished the way you want. | mwr518@gmail.com | ||
Clark | Kahoka | Kahoka Meat Processing | 660-727-3433 | ||||
Clark | Kahoka | Old Hickory Shop | 660-754-6662 | oldhickoryshop.com | |||
Clark | Wyaconda | Blue Sky Farms | 660-216-8425 | Dirt raised antibiotic and steriod free pork. We sell half or whole hogs or packaged meat. | ahayer@marktwain.net | ||
Clark | Wyaconda | Schaller Cattle, Inc. | 660-341-5395 | Angus cattle operations, family owned and operated. | carolynschaller@icloud.com | ||
Clark | Kahoka | Phillips Farms | 660-341-7340 | Beef, pork and lamb | ccphil6@gmail.com | ||
Clark | Wyaconda | Blue Sky Farms | 660-246-8425 | ||||
Clark | Revere | Straka Farms | 660-956-5302 | We offer beef that has been raised on our family farm. We have ground beef, steaks and roast available by the lb. We also offer 1/4's, 1/2's and whole beef. | strakafarms@gmail.com | ||
Clay | Smithville | Storm Dancer Farm LLC | 607-220-4703 | Storm Dancer Farm raises pastured livestock on 50 acres in Clay County. | stormdancerfarm.com | stormdancerfarm@gmail.com | |
Clay | Kearney | Wildflower Dreamz General Store | 816-365-2445 | barhamfamilyfarm.com | |||
Clay | Kansas City | North Oak Quality Meat Mkt | 816-436-1602 | orders@northoakqualitymeat.com | |||
Clay | Excelsior Springs | Be Whole Again Farm | |||||
Clay | Smithville | Farm Wife's Table | 816-805-8501 | Eggs | |||
Clay | Liberty | Burroughs Family Farms | 913-238-8089 | Angus Beef | burroughs12@att.net | ||
Clay | Mosby | Full Sircle Farms | 816-560-1858 | Beef | |||
Clay | Lawson | Kansas City Beef Company | 816-204-6815 | Beef to sell and also processing | |||
Clay | Liberty | Effenheim Farm | 913-660-2529 | Small family cattle farm just east of Libery Missouri specializing in grass fed and grass finished black angus cattle. | meg.effenheim@gmail.com | ||
Clay | Holt | Grace's Grass Fed | 816-382-9079 | Grass fed lamb and grass finished beef. | gracesgrassfed.com | info@gracesgrassfed.com | |
Clay | Holt | Meadow Dance Ranch LLC | 951-275-6120 | Grass fed, free range beef, lamb, chicken and eggs. | meadowdanceranchkc.com | meadowdanceranchkn@gmail.com | |
Clay | Kearney | Barham Cattle Company | 816-365-2445 | Beef, chicken, pork,lamb, eggs | barhamfamilyfarm.com | ||
Clay | Holt | The Frazier Farms | 816-826-7792 | The Frazier Farms offers non-GMO pasture raised poultry, raised completely free or artifical hormones or antibiotics. We offer convenient home delivery or pick up from our farm in Holt. | |||
Clinton | Lathrop | Campo Lindo Farms | Egg, Free range chickens | thefrazierfarms.com | thefrazierfarms@gmail.com | ||
Clinton | Trimble | Paradise Locker Meats | 816-370-6328 | paradisemeats.com | teresa@paradisemeats.com | ||
Clinton | Lathrop | Weller Beef | 913-334-8684 | Farm raised, antibotic free, hormorne free grain ged or grass fed beef available in 1/4, 1/2 or whole beef. Genetics focused on marbling and tenderness. Visit out site to learn more. | wellerbeef.com | jweller335@gmail.com | |
Clinton | Gower | 1840 Cattle Co LLC | 816-326-2444 | Premium Beef Retailer in Gower, MO. Proudly sourcing locally, hormone-free meat for retail and wholesale. Taste tradition today, rooted in generations of farming excellence. | 1840cattleco.com | 1840cattleco@gmail.com | |
Cole | Russellville | The Covered Bridge Market | 573-782-4613 | Built on the site of the Russellville Locker and Feed Store, The Covered Bridge Market is a new business and is ready to provide you with gourmet meats, arffordable groceries, and friendly service. Founded and managed by a small group of local farm families, The Covered Bridge Market sells locally raised beef and pork, proceessed by the skilled butchers of the Russellville Locker and using their award-winning curing and sausage recipes. We can fill your freezer with a half or whole hog or beef, or you can buy our local homegrown meat by the cut. In additional to these quality meats, The Covered Bridge Market also sells discount grocery products to keep your food bill low. The Covered Bridge Market uses the award-winning bacon, ham, breakfast sausage, and summer sausage recipes that the Russellville Locker used for almost 70 years, so customers can still get their favorites. Located at 11912 Hwy C, just east of Russellville. Open 9-6 weekdays and 9-4 Saturday. | facebook.com/TheCoveredBridgeMarket | thecoveredbridgemarket@gmail.com | |
Cole | Centertown | Duncan Family Farm | 573-584-8083 | duncanfamilyfarm.com | duncanfamilyfarm4u@gmail.com | ||
Cole | St. Thomas | Profits Point Farm | 573-469-8124 | ||||
Cole | Jefferson City | Lady Livestock Company | 573-821-6982 | Homegrown, hormone-gree, antibiotic-free, grass-fed, grain-finished, quarter/halves/wholes/other bundles upon request, custom processed. | facebook.com/LadyLivestockCo | macey_hurst@aol.com | |
Cole | Jefferson City | Saddle Rock Ridge Farm | 573-257-0283 | Raising Katahdin cross sheep for breeding or butcher. Lambs typically ready late fall. Naturally raised on pasture and grain. Call to reserve a slot next year. | twodraftmom@gmail.com | ||
Cooper | Blackwater | Matt Ivy | 660-888-0176 | Takes beef to K.P. to be slaughtered and processedd for customers. | |||
Cooper | Boonville | Britt Brengarth | 660-621-1977 | Takes beef to K.P. to be slaughtered and processedd for customers. | |||
Cooper | Boonville | Larry Grissum | 660-621-2800 | Takes beef to K.P. to be slaughtered and processedd for customers. | |||
Cooper | Clarksburg | Farm, LLC | 573-418-8177 | farmllcmo@gmail.com | |||
Cooper | Boonville | G&P Grass Raised Meats, LLC | 660-537-3220 | ||||
Cooper | Boonville | Hickory Hill Pastures | 573-424-8989 | hickoryhillpastures.com | |||
Cooper | Bunceton | Smith Livestock | 660-596-1213 | Corn-fed Prime butcher beef and dirt-raised butcher hogs. Retail cuts available as well. | facebook.com/smithlivestock13/a> | karen_kreinen@yahoo.com | |
Cooper | Boonville | Kueckelhan Farms | Pasture-raised, grain finished beef for sale May through January. | kueckelhanfarms.com | julie@keckelhanfarms.com | ||
Cooper | Blackwater | Esser Herefords | 660-621-2391 | Whole, half or quarter pasture raised, grain fed beef. | esserherefords@gmail.com | ||
Crawford | Cuba | Brush Creek Valley Farms | 573-241-1221 | We pasture-raise beef and pork on our farm in Cuba, MO. We sell bulk beef and pork along with curated meat boxes. We deliver locally and ship across the United States. We are in a few local restaurants and grocery stores. Like us on Facebook and Instagram @brushcreekvalleyfarms to learn more about us and our story. | brushcreekvalley.com | bushcreekvalleyfarms@gmail.com | |
Crawford | Steelville | Mary's Valley Meat Processing | 573-786-6328 | ||||
Crawford | Steelville | 4J Cattle Farm, LLC | 417-683-0971 | We sell pasture raised beef in individual cuts, wholes and halves free from hormones. Please contact our phone number or email for more information. | 4jcattlefarm.com | justin@4jcattle.com | |
Crawford | St. James | JM Land & Cattle Company, LLC | 573-259-02012 | Cow calf operation outside of Cuba Missouri. Our cattle are pasture raised and barn finished for 90 days. We sell 1/4, halves and full beef. Contact at our phone number and we will send you a virtual brochure of our prices. | jmedows74@gmail.com | ||
Crawford | Cuba | Brus Creek Valley Farms | 573-241-1221 | We deliver high-quality meat straight to your door. | Brushcreekvalleyfarms.com | brushcreekvalleyfarms@gmail.com | |
Crawford | Bourbon | Delhi Sustainable Farms | 314-650-4569 | Grass fed, grass finished beef. Born and raised on the farm. No antibiotics or growth hormones. Processed locally. USDA inspected available. | delhisustainablefarms.com | delhisustainablefarms@gmail.com | |
Crawford | Steelville | The Little G Farm | 573-528-1511 | Farm raised butcher beef and butcher hogs. Pasture raised with a 90-120 finishing phase. Scheduling and delivery to a processing plant completed by The Little G Farm. We sell beef in Whole, Half or Quarters. We sell hogs Whole or half. | ganndrpa1@icloud.com | ||
Dade | Lockwood | Sunny Lane Farm | 417-637-2991 | sunnylanefarm.grazecart.com | sunnylanefarm04@yahoo.com | ||
Dade | Everton | H & M Angus Farms | 417-818-6400 | Home raised Angus beef, will sell 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, whole beef, can finish on farm for added money. | kdbkrbhnb@gmail.com | ||
Dade | Lockwood | Gripe Farms | 479-353-1540 | All natural beef, from our ranch to your fork! | gripefarms.com | info@gripesfarms.com | |
Dallas | Buffalo | Troup Land & Livestock, LLC | 417-827-7430 | Pork, poultry, and lamb | trouplandandlivestock.com | marcus@trouplandandlivestock.com | |
Dallas | Conway | Cook Family Farms | 417-664-4841 | We sell individual cut meats and beef by the side. USDA certified butcher, licensed and insured. | cookfamilyfarms@outlook.com | ||
Dallas | Urbana | E B Moore | 360-623-5479 | Antibiotic/medication/chemical/growth hormone free farm raised meat rabbits. Everything is raised on the farm here. | starplott@gmail.com | ||
Dallas | Long Lane | Riverview Farms LC | 417-733-1464 | Farm raised, grass fed, grain finished beef | millersriverviewfarms.com | amy.riverviewfarms@gmail.com | |
Dallas | Long Lane | Ownby Farms | 417-777-0750 | Farrow to finish pork raised on our family farm | chelseyhenderson86@gmail.com | ||
Daviess | Gallatin | Rains Natural Meats | 660-663-3674 | ||||
Daviess | Pattonsburg | Brown's Custom Meats | 660-663-5010 | ||||
Daviess | Gallatin | AsA Global LLC (Goat Hill Farm) | 660-851-4291 | Goats and goat meat | GoatHillRanchmo.com | support@GoatHillRanchmo.com | |
Dekalb | Hamilton | J & J meat Processing LLC | 816-583-2090 | ||||
Dekalb | Amity | Hyatt Processing | 816-449-2607 | ||||
Dekalb | Maysville | Warner Locker Plant | 816-449-5611 | ||||
Dekalb | Cameron | Steak N Stuff | 816-632-4489 | ||||
Dekalb | Carolyn Skinner | 816-244-5735 | |||||
Dekalb | Cameron | EE Ranch | 816-805-8591 | Grass finished cattle ranch | damonderickson@yahoo.com | ||
Dekalb | Osborn | K & K Farm Red Angus | 816-675-2503 | kkfarmsredangus.com | Ken@KKFarmsRedAngus.com | ||
Dekalb | Osborn | Kraig Keesamann | 816-675-2002 | allstarwrestling_Krow@yahoo.com | |||
Dekalb | Maysville | Ellis Sheep So. | 816-724-4382 | St. Croix Hair Sheep. Halves or wholes | ellissheepco.com | ellissheepcompany@gmail.com | |
Dekalb | Weatherby | Swegiger Farms LLC | 816-724-1651 | Grass fed, grain finished beef from a registered Angus and Hereford operation. USDA inspected beef sold by the cut. Whole, half, quarter beef available for order. | sweigerfarmsllc.com | gksweiger95@gmail.com | |
Dekalb | Weatherby | Santa Rosa Meat Co. | 660-605-0683 | USDA inspected beef, whole, halves and quarters available. Registered Angus and Hereford cattle operation, all cattle are both grass fed and grain finished, multi-generation beef producing family with an awareness to animal welfare. | |||
Dent | Salem | Country Fish Farms | 573-729-6376 | Raises and sells fish | |||
Dent | Salem | Zimmerman Meat | 573-729-6328 | zimmermanmeats.com | zimmermanmeats@gmail.com | ||
Dent | Salem | Salem Butcher Shop | 573-729-7278 | ||||
Dent | Salem | Willie Strader | 573-247-1038 | ||||
Dent | Salem | Buckeye FarmZ LLC | 573-247-7920 | We offer a wide variety of fresh produce and farm fresh meats. | buckeyefarmzllc.com | info@buckeyefarmzllc.com | |
Dent | Rolla | Chapman Farm LLC | 573-368-9927 | Family fam raised Wagyu cross cattle. Also sell grain fed butcher beefs and Bershire hogs to individuals for processing. | kchapman2130@gmail.com | ||
Dent | Salem | Spring Creek Farms | 573-247-8208 | We offer grassfed and finished beef and lamb, truly free range non gmo chicken, pasture raised non gmo pork direct to consumer. | springcreek.com | springcreekfarms7@gmail.com | |
Douglas | Seymour | Circle B Ranch | 417-683-0271 | Berkshire Heritage pork | circlebranchpork.com | marina@circlebranchpork.com | |
Douglas | Browning Family Farms LLC | 417-543-6795 | USDA inspected ground beef and butcher ag rabbits. | browningfamilyfarms@gmail.com | |||
Douglas | David Burke | 417-543-0308 | Heifers and steers ready to butcher. | ||||
Douglas | CF Cattle Company | 417-861-4395 | froghookcattlecompany@yahoo.com | ||||
Douglas | Ava | Frank's Farm raised beef | 417-543-2925 | 10-15 per year, Angus bred, beef design for best steaks. | flpotter50@gmail.com | ||
Douglas | Drury | Jones Hill Ranch | 417-259-2210 | We grow happy and healthy pigs on woodland pasture from start to finish and sell nutrious pork halves, wholes and sausage bundles. The mat is processed by a butcher accoring to your personal wishes and you can pick up the meat from the butcher, our famr, or get it delivered to you by us. You can get in touch with us for a free farm visit to see how we rease our animals. We are located in Drury, MO. | joneshillranch.com | contact@joneshillranch.com | |
Douglas | Drury | Brush Creek Ranch | 417-293-0149 | We sell grass feed angus beef. | brushcreekranch.us | brushcreekranch2024@gmail.com | |
Franklin | Villa Ridge | Howie Farms | 314-920-1439 | Grass-Fed Beef | howieffarmsmo@gmail.com | ||
Franklin | Washington | Williams Brothers Meat Market | 636-239-2183 | Full service meat market. | williamsbrothersmeats.com | wbmeats@gmail.com | |
Franklin | Gerald | Stuart Farm, LLC | 573-764-2324 | Grass-fed beef and poultry. | stuartfarm.com | ||
Franklin | Leslie | Beaufort Meat Processing | 573-484-3312 | ||||
Franklin | New Haven | Lyon Country Meats | 573-459-6328 | ||||
Franklin | Grodie Farms | 314-605-7364 | jgbrodie@mvr.k12.mo.us | ||||
Franklin | Pacific | Crooked Creek Beef | 314-805-2972 | Farming next to St. Louis/Jefferson County, we offer a full lineup of Angus Beef, quality local Pork and free range Chicken. Twice monthly Farmer's Market at the farm, Fall Farm Tours, on-line store. Purchase from #1 to one whole beef or hog. Meat bundles, local free range eggs, jams, jellies, sauces, spices, soaps, crafts, gifts on first and third Thursdays from 1pm-6pm. Hey, St Louis, we are close to Six Flag! | crookedcreekbeef.com | crookedcreekbeef@gmail.com | |
Franklin | Might as Well Ranch | 314-973-8068 | mightaswellranch.com | info@mightaswellranch.com | |||
Franklin | K & A Meats | 636-451-6880 | k-a-meats-llc.business.site | kameatsllc@gmail.com | |||
Franklin | Robertsville | Legacy Farms | 636-257-2560 | Local pasture raised proteins. | Legacyfarms.us | dryer@dryerfarms.com | |
Franklin | Union | Jerry & Lana Langhorst | 636-583-5074 | We raise and sell butcher ready hogs and feeder pigs. | lana.langhorst@yahoo.com | ||
Franklin | Union | Sambro Farms | 217-801-0701 | Family farm in Beaufort/Union, MO that focuses on grass fed South Poll beef and pasture raised chickens. | instagram.com/sambrofarms/ | amandasammet90@gmail.com | |
Franklin | New Haven | Idle Wind Farm | 573-237-2753 | Our farming operation is located in East Central Missouri west of Union, MO. We are the 4th and 5th generations managing the operations. We aim to provide premium Red Angus and Akaushi Wagyu Beef and Heritge Berkshire pork to families and businesses in and around Franklin Co. and the Greater St. Louis area. The cattle are raised on both pasture/hay and feed a supplemental diet during finishing. Our hogs are farrow to finish and raised entirely outdoors in farrowing huts to when the hogs are finished. Our philosophy is using rotational grazing practices for our cattle. Cattle are moved from paddock to paddock on a 1 to 4 day basis depending on forage and pasture size. We see the positive impacts of regenerative agricultural practices on soil health and productivity. These have been implemented on our farming operation for nearly 15 years. We use locally sourced grain for our hogs and beef finishing diets that can include corn, wheat and barely. We sell our products through the online store. You can also find us on Facebook and Instrgram under Idle Wind Farms. | idlewindfarmsmo.com | rkierking@idlewindfarmsmo.com | |
Franklin | Leslie | Harmony Hills Farms | 314-972-2670 | Harmony Hills Farm offers holistically raised grassfed, grass finished beef. We use rotational grazing to ensure that our cattle are always on fresh grass. | harmonyhillsfarm.com | mary@harmonyhillsfarm.com | |
Franklin | Gerald | Smith Cattle Farm | 314-954-5602 | Beef sales 1/4, 1/2, whole cut to your specs. | smithgary4288@yahoo.com | ||
Gasconade | Hermann | Swiss Meat & Sausage Company | 573-486-2086 | swissmeats.com | customerservice@swissmeats.com | ||
Gasconade | Hermann | Bunkline Beef & Feed | 573-690-8527 | triplefcowgirl@msn.com | |||
Gasconade | Hermann | Hermann Wurst Haus | 573-486-2266 | hermannwursthaus.com | |||
Gasconade | Hermann | SH Custom Meats | 573-486-3070 | 5hcustommeats.com | 5hcustommeats@outlook.com | ||
Gasconade | Bland | Baxter Farms | 573-646-5293 | Offering wholes, halves or quarters of beef, as well as retail cuts of beef. | baxterfarms4554@gmail.com | ||
Gasconade | Owensville | Everyday Good Life | 573-205-0272 | Providing frozen packaged beef, pork and chicken. | everydaygoodlife.com/ | ||
Gasconade | Herberle Packaging Company | 573-486-2795 | herberlepacking | heberlepacking@centurylink.net | |||
Gasconade | Bland | M & M Corriedales | 573-569-2920 | Market lambs and market goats for butcher. | heatherareed5@gmail.com | ||
Gasconade | Hermann | Schneider Farms LLC | 314-740-4445 | Our family farm raises beef, pork, chicken and turkeys. We also have farm fresh eggs. | schneiderfarmsllc.com | cdschn@centurylink.net | |
Gasconade | Owensville | Horstmann Cattle Company | 314-322-1076 | We sell beef, pork, and chicken as well as farm-fresh eggs. All our meat is raised in a regenerative manner without the use of antibiotics and added hormones. Grass-fed/Grass-finished, Antibiotic free, no added hormones, non-GMO, humanely and responsibly raised. | horstmanncattleco.com | ah@horstmanncattleco.com | |
Gentry | King City | Tracy Whorton | 816-816-5920 | Black angus raised on grass and grain. Antibiotic and implant free. Selling by the pound from sides to packages. Due to processing available September 30, 2020. | ribeyerancher@gmail.com | ||
Gentry | Albany | Girratono Meat Company | 660-726-3924 | facebook.com/girratonomeat/ | |||
Gentry | Stanberry | Edson's Meat Market | 660-783-2121 | facebook.com/edsonssmokeshack/ | |||
Gentry | King City | Wells Family Farms | 660-783-2930 | We raise pasture based cattle. All forage. All the time. We also own Barnard Processing in Barnard MO, a full service slaughter/processing facility. | LocallySourcedMeats.com | K.Wells@WellsFarmilyFarms.com | |
Greene | Willard | Windswept Farm Irish Dexters | 417-343-0352 | windsweptfarm@mail.com | |||
Greene | Bois D'Arc | Heritage Farm and Dairy LLC | 417-224-7024 | We sell our pork, beef and chicken along with our fresh milk along with other local products at our farm store at our farm. | facebook.com/HeritageFarmAndDairyLLC/ | heritagefarmanddairy@gmail.com | |
Greene | Springfield | Clearwater Farm | 417-827-2756 | Our family has raised registered Angus cattle since 1933, and we're proud to offer consistant genetics that work in the pasture and on the plate. Offering quarter, half or whole beef as well as individual cuts and beef bundles year round. USDA inspected. 3rd place, 2019 American Royal Steak Competition. | clearwaterangus.com/ | joann.pipkin@gmail.net | |
Greene | Rogersville | L III Farms | 417-861-1755 | We raise registered Herefords and commercial angus. Our steers are finished on corn silage, distillers grain and corn. We take great pride in offering a quality product and care greatly for our cattle. Offering quarter, half or whole beef, space still available for August bookings. | L3Farms.com | tluthy@mac.com | |
Greene | Rogersville | Mercy Lane Angus Farm | 417-848-4222 | Farm raised black angus beef from our home to yours. | mercylaneangus.com | brad@mercylaneangus.com | |
Greene | Fair Grove | Gehris Farms | 417-766-6252 | Pasture raised chicken, turkey and eggs fed on an organic diet with no chemicals or medication. | facebook.com/pg/GehrisFarms/posts | gehrisfarms@gmail.com | |
Greene | Bois D'Arc | Recharge Ranch Beef | 816-718-1477 | Grass fed and finished heritage beef for sale | erourke12@gmail.com | ||
Greene | Fair Grove | McCarty Ranch | 417-844-4637 | Family farm. Farm to table premium beef. Available in whole, 1/2 or 1/4. | Mcranch98@gmail.com | ||
Greene | Bois D'Arc | NuVenture Farms, LLC | 417-234-5921 | NuVenture Farms, LLC sells pasture raised pork from purebred, Berkshire hogs on a continous rotational paddock system, to allow access to fresh, green pasture and grain at all times. We sell half and whole hogs on the hoof and USDA retail cuts in individual pieces. | nuventurefarms@gmail.com | ||
Greene | Walnut Grove | Blue House Farm | 417-619-3347 | Blue House Farm is a small family farm in Greene Co. that raised 100% certified Kunekune pork for it's customers. Our Kunekune pigs are raised on pasture 24/7 therefore adding more nutrient and vitamins to the delicious pork they produce. | mobluehousefarm@gmail.com | ||
Greene | Everton | Hosman Cattle Co | 417-343-5650 | The Hosman family has been farming in Greene County for 7 generations. We offer pasture raised beef from our farm to your home. We implement regnerative practices to be the best stewards of the land. We offer 1/2 and whole beef shares along with beef by the cut. We deliver to the Springfield surrounding area. | facebook.com/HosmanCattleCo/ | Hosmancattleco@gmail.com | |
Grundy | Trenton | H & B Farms | 660-358-2323 | ||||
Grundy | Trenton | Shelburne Hill's Farm | 660-240-3191 | At our 7-generation Missouri Century Farm we offer pasture-raised, grain-finished beef from cattle born and raised in the Hickey-Poosey area southwest of Trenton. | shelburnehillsfarm.com | info@shelburnehillsfarm.com | |
Grundy | Trenton | Allenbaugh's From the Farm | 660-359-7808 | ||||
Grundy | Spickard | Gary Bunnell | 660-359-1019 | Selling beef 1/4 to full by rail weight. | |||
Grundy | Trenton | Thomas Family Herefords | 660-359-7130 | Beef | thomasfamilyhereford.com | bennyt@grundyec.net | |
Grundy | Trenton | Rockin' K Cattle | 660-359-1684 | Currently booking whole, halves and 1/4 for Nov. 10, 2020 butcher date. Beef will be ready for pickup after December 7. | Rockinkcattle@gmail.com | ||
Grundy | Trenton | Red Barn Cattle | 660-654-2375 | Home raised beef, processed and ready for purchase in individual packages. | whitneyfarms14@yahoo.com | ||
Grundy | Trenton | Green Hills Feeders | 660-359-7047 | Our beef is raised on our farm, and we take pride in feeding our cattle with feed that we grow ourselves. This ensures the quality and consistency of their diet, which translates to better quality meat. By managing the entire process, from growing the feed to raising the cattle, we maintain high standards and full control over what goes into our beef. We offer whole, 1/2 and 1/4 prime beef as well as retail sales. | greenhillsfeedersinc.com | kristyatgreenhillsfeeders@gmail.com | |
Harrison | Ridgeway | Thomas Farm Quality Meats | 660-872-6716 | thomasfarmmeats.com | |||
Harrison | Eagleville | Osage Grass and Livestock | 660-868-0433 | We raise registered Angus seed-stock, selling 40 bull privately. Those same genetics produce our freezer beef. Grown on grass, no hormones. Antibiotic use for special needs only. We are purveyors of high quality, pastured raised, Angus beef. | oglbulls40@yahoo.com | ||
Harrison | Ridgeway | Heyle Heritage Farms | 660-868-2142 | We provide our own Heyle Heritage Farms private labeled beef directly to consumers. We ship our grass-fed, grain finisjed beef directly to you. Heyle Heritage Farms is here to provide you the same delicious and nutritious beef raised from the beautiful rolling hills of Northern Missouri that we have enjoyed for generations. | heyleheritagefarms.com | info@heyleheritagefarms.com | |
Henry | Leeton | Kohl Meats | 660-221-4058 | kohlmeats@gmail.com | |||
Henry | Clinton | Jenkins Farm | 660-525-2675 | ||||
Henry | Windsor | Hawkins Farm | 660-262-6731 | Hogs, lambs, chicken and eggs | akhawkins2000@gmail.com | ||
Henry | Windsor | Morgan Farms | Sells small portions, cattle and hogs. | facebook.com/morganfarmssarahsspecialselections/ | |||
Henry | Blairstown | George Farms | 660-525-3452 | ||||
Henry | Clinton | Powell Meats Co. | 660-383-9001 | travis@powellmeatco.com | |||
Henry | Clinton | Hetherington Meat Processing | 660-885-4409 | jack_hetherington2000@yahoo.com | |||
Henry | Windsor | Shallow Creek Processing | 660-647-2412 | ||||
Henry | Calhoun | Massie Farm | 660-694-0124 | Farm raised beef, no antibiotics, vaccinations or hormones, just dewormed and sprayed for flies. Fed grass, corn, apples, carrots and other vegs. | g_massie@att.net | ||
Hickory | Humansville | Yorks' Meat Processing | 417-754-8118 | ||||
Holt | Mound City | TWD Farms | 816-262-1304 | Farm raised, grass fed beef. | trevordrewes@gmail.com | ||
Holt | Forest City | Russell Angus Farm | 816-261-4459 | Russell Angus Farms offers USDA certified grain fed beef by cut or you can purchase it 1/4, 1/2 or whole beef. | Russellangusfarm.com | cj_russ04@hotmail.com | |
Howard | New Franklin | Jennings Premium Meats | 660-848-2229 | jenningspremiummeats.com | |||
Howard | Fayette | Sullivan Farms | 660-248-3298 | sullivanfarmsmo.com | Bsullivan95@yahoo.com | ||
Howard | Harrisburg | KP Processing LLC | 573-874-2147 | kp-processing.com | |||
Howard | Franklin | Volkmann Farms | 573-228-0881 | Beef, pork, and pasture raised meat chickens. | McBeeCattleCompany.com | mcbcattle@aol.com | |
Howard | Fayette | McBee Cattle Company | 573-228-2517 | Grass raised, grain finished beef. Specialize in whole beef hamburger | |||
Howard | Fayette | Bockting Farms | 660-888-2217 | We are 4th generation family farmers that raise corn fed, pastured beef. Our beef is healthy, sustainable, and delicious. Please call to reserve your whole, half or quarter and feed your family the ver best! | donnabockting@yahoo.com | ||
Howell | West Plains | Lucky Falling Star Ranch | 417-256-1809 | luckyfallingstarranch.com | lfsranchwp@gmail.com | ||
Howell | West Plains | 5J Transport | 417-255-5277 | Beef, pork, chicken, turkey, duck | carlosjcomstock@gmail.com | ||
Howell | Mountain View | Frescoln Ranch | 724-613-2767 | We offer USDA inspected, Non-GMO, no antibiotics, hormone free, grass fed hamburger at $5 per pound. These are born and raised here on our Ranch just west of Mountain View, MO. | premiumsouthpoll.com | joefrescoln@gmail.com | |
Howell | West Plains | Brassfield Farms | 417-293-5232 | We've been farming in West Plains since 1971. We sell finished Angus calves 1200-1300 lbs and fat hogs 250-300 lbs. Our calves are pasture raised and grain finished. This gives the meat great marbling and superior flavor. You can text the phone number and we will return your call of you can message us at Brassfield Farms on Facebook. | brassfieldfarms@gmail.com | ||
Howell | Mountain View | Whetstone Boys Ranch | 417-372-0207 | Whetstone Boys Ranch is a Therapeutic Boarding School that serves struggling boys and their families with intensive family therapy, academic support and outdoor programming. Whetstone is also a working cattle operation. Through our partnership with Ozark Hills Genetics of West Plains, we are able to offer high quality registered Red Anguss grass finished beef. For almost 30 years, these animals have been bred specifically for their efficiency at harvesting grass and converting it into healthy, high-quality meat. Beef purchases can be made directly off the farm at the address listed above or we can schedule a delivery in the Springfield area where the majority of our beef is stored. Added Value: Your beef purchase directly supports our agriculture program. Also, for every 10 pounds of meat you buy we will give you one pound of burger to bless another family with. | whetstoneboysranch.com | bmaxwell@whetstoneboysranch.com | |
Howell | Caulfield | DHOPPBEEF | 417-548-9193 | All natural pasture raised and finished. Processed locally. | app.barn2door.com/dhoppbeef/all.com | hoppduane@gmail.com | |
Howell | Mountain View | Highlands Harvest | 417-362-9747 | Quality family farm raised USDA inspected Angus beef. Grass fed,grain finished. Serving the greater Southern Missouri area. Free delivery included when purchasing a quarter, half or whole animcal. Pasture raised goat and meat chickens also available upon request. See us on Facebook at Highlands Harvest. | egejoe@gmail.com | ||
Howell | West Plains | New Way Beef, LLC | 417-204-8078 | Our angus and black baldy beef is grass-fed, processed under USDA inspection, and vacuum packed. We do not feed growth promoting hormones or antibiotics. We offer hamburger, selected roasts, steaks. We also sell whole and half beefs, delivered to the processor of your choice. | newwaybeef.com | diane@newwaybeef.com | |
Iron | Circle C Farms | 573-760-5292 | |||||
Iron | Arcadia | Ruble's Meat Market LLC | 573-546-3459 | ||||
Jackson | Sibley | Tom Stock | 816-419-8073 | Will sell directly to the consumer, We have a small feedlot with calves ready to butcher on a regular basis. | ratherbefarming@hotmail.com | ||
Jackson | Kansas City | Caldarello Italian Sausage | 816-679-8669 | caldarello.com | caldarellosausage@gmail.com | ||
Jackson | Blue Springs | Winter's Meat Processing Plant | 816-229-3151 | wintermeat.com.com | wintermeat.com | ||
Jackson | Kansas City | 4G Meat Processing | |||||
Jackson | Sibley | Highwater Farms | 573-289-9833 | Small family owned farm with grain fed beef available by the pound or by the half. Almost always have a calf ready for butcher and plenty of meat in the freezor. Reach out on Facebook or email and we will be happy to help. | highwaterfarmsmo@gmail.com | ||
Jackson | Buckner | Mershon Cattle LLC | 816-289-0027 | Farm-fresh, all natural premium beef. Our century farm hand-selects the beef to finish on a special diet that provides you the most tender and flavorful steaks, roasts, ground beef and more. We love to share our story with you! | tracey@mershoncattle.com | ||
Jasper | Carthage | Cloud's Meats | 417-358-5855 | cloudsmeats.com | info@cloudsmeats.com | ||
Jasper | Carthage | Spring River Cattle Co. | 417-529-0399 | ||||
Jasper | Joplin | Worden's Meat | 417-626-8081 | ||||
Jasper | Webb City | S & J Processing | 417-673-1717 | ||||
Jasper | Carthage | P-C Hog Farm LLC | 417-434-2661 | Raise butcher hogs and deliver to local processor for buyer. | longhorn_77@hotmail.com | ||
Jasper | Diamond | DKB Cattle Company | 417-540-5157 | We sell grass fed Angus beef, sold as halves or full. | bradleyfarm69@gmail.com | ||
Jasper | Joplin | Harvest Hill | 417-623-4992 | We buy weaned pigs in April, raise th epigs until October, and sell pork meat, by the package from October to when we run out of meat (usuualy before March.) Small operation, happy pigs, good meat. | |||
Jasper | Joplin | Primrose Farms | 417-499-5676 | Grass fed beed butchered and sold direcct to consumer. Options are whole, half, quarter or an eighth. Our beef is raised on our family farm without hormones or antibiotics. | primrosebeef.com | eadsdd@gmail.com | |
Jasper | Sarcoxie | My Brother's Beef | 417-356-5910 | We raise and sell PREMIUM grass-fed and grass-finished beef. Nationwide shipping. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed | mybrothersbeef.com | mybrothersbeef@gmail.com | |
Jasper | Webb City | Overfelt Farms, LLC | 417-540-7500 | We are a family-owned and operated farm in Southwest Missouri currently raising Cornish Cross meat chickens. Chickens are pasture-raised and processed in small batches on our farm. You can expect them to weight between 3-6 llbs. We are happy to answer any questions you may have! Order online or give us a call. We accept multiples forms of payment. Thanks for your consideration. | overfeltfarms.com | howdy@overfeltfarms.com | |
Jasper | Joplin | J-H Cattle Co. Meat Store | 417-309-6328 | We specialize in Akaushi and Angus beef. Antibiotic-free, hormone free, grass fed and finished with grain. All beef is raised on our farm in Waco, Missouri. Whole, halves, quarters, ground beef, steaks, roast, ribs, custom cuts of everything in-between. We accept all major debit/credit cards, checks, cash and SNAP/EBT | jhakaushibeef.com | cattle@jbartrading.com | |
Jasper | Webb City | Farmer Family Farms | 417-629-7920 | Selling quality beef and pork directly from our farm. Contact us to set up a time to come shop our selection or to place an order! | farmerfamilyfarmsmo@gmail.com | ||
Jasper | Joplin | JB Quality Meat LLC | 620-249-9076 | Small local direct to consumer meat sales. | jbqualitymeat@gmail.com | ||
Jasper | Sarcoxie | Show-Me Prime Angus Ranch LLC | 417-388-8461 | Every 100% Angus steer we harvest was born and raised on our ranch, raised on pasture, never in a dry lot. We're Beef Quality Assurance certified so you can be confident our cattle are handled with care. Please check out our website for more information. | ShowMePrimeAngus.com | danise@showmeprimeangus.com | |
Jasper | Carthage | Hudson Show Pigs and Feeders | 417-388-8998 | At Hudson Show Pigs and feeders we have show Hogs and Feeder. Sell whole hogs, half, quarter and bundles. Family owned and rised. Even seel piglets at weaning to rise to butcher every year. Give us a call and let us put food on your table. | natertater0322@gmail.com | ||
Jefferson | Hillsboro | Sandy View Farms | 314-852-7173 | We sell individual cuts of beef under our own private label. No added hormones and no antibiotics. All cattle are born and raised on our farm. We also sell sides and wholes when available. We are currently doing online sales with pick up at our farm. Facebook page is Sandy View Acres. | sandyviewacres@gmail.com | ||
Jefferson | Hillsboro | Pierce Century Farms LLC | 314-960-4445 | Pumpkin patch, apple picking, school tours, photo sessions on the farm, sells beef, homemade goods at the store, corn maze. | bfpierce79@gmail.com | ||
Jefferson | St. Louis | John's Butcher Shoppe | 636-931-7776 | johns@johnsbutcher.com | |||
Jefferson | Dittmer | Dittmer Meat Packing, Inc. | 636-285-9090 | orders@dittermeats.com | |||
Jefferson | Festus | Noll Farms | 636-232-6226 | Farm fresh beef | dananoll817@gmail.com | ||
Jefferson | De Soto | LT Livestock | 417-770-3447 | We raise Aberden cattle and Babydoll Southdown sheep. | LTLivestock.com | LTAberdeenCows@aol.com | |
Jefferson | Hillsboro | Tri-Pointe Farm LLC | 636-262-0725 | We are a small family farm. We along with our 7 children reaise beef, pork, poultry, eggs. All of our animals are antibiotic free, no medicated feed, no added hormones or growth implants. Just great meat. No confinement, farrowing crates or caged birds here. Animals are raised as natural as possible, pastured poultry and free range layers. Hogs are in open hoop buildings with deep bedding. We sell whole, 1/2 and also individual cuts of meat. Available from the farm with an appointment or I am a vendor at Arnold Farmers Market and Hillsboro. | tripointefarms.com | tripointe12@gmail.com | |
Jefferson | Imperial | Herrell's Market | 636-464-3070 | We are located off Main Street in Imperial MO. We are a family owned meat market and grocery store. | |||
Johnson | Warrensburg | Alewel's Country Meats | 800-353-8553 | Meat Market | alewels@sprintmail.com | ||
Johnson | Warrensburg | Buckeye Acres Produce | 660-624-1054 | Buckeye Acres was started in 1983 by Jim and Jeanne Counts to provide fresh produce like they had when they were growing up in northern Ohio. As native Ohioians they felt the farm need a little Ohio spirit leading to the farm name. The farm started off with a u-pick strawberry patch and a few vegetables so mom could stay home with us boys. As Buck & Will got older, the farm branched out into raspberries, blackberries and increased the number of vegetable crops. In 1987 the farm started a harvest festival in October featuring a pumpkin patch, a wide selection of fall decorations and fun activites for the family which ran until 2003 when the boys went off to explore the world and earn a couple of advanced degrees along the way. Even though the Harvest festival was put on hold Jim & Jeanne continued providing high quality fruits and vegetables to the local community either at the local farmers market or directly off the farm. | bcounts@buckeye-acres.com | ||
Johnson | Holden | Snail Creek Farm | 660-864-7130 | info@snailcreekfarm.com | |||
Johnson | Warrensburg | Buckeye Acres Produce | 660-747-7760 | Beef, pork, chicken | |||
Johnson | Warrensburg | Blackwater Bend Farms | 660-441-1976 | Grass fed beef | |||
Johnson | Centerview | Harmony Farms | 660-238-2983 | Pastured pork | |||
Johnson | Chilhowee | Moon Farms | 660-653-4636 | Beef | |||
Johnson | Knob Noster | Hooves & Feathers Farm | 660-233-0823 | We sell hog, beef, lamb, goat, chicken and turkey. | beccak665@gmail.com | ||
Johnson | Leeton | ET Herefords Beef | 816-284-9073 | As a Farm to Fork operation we are involved in every step of the process. This allows us to ensure you receive a product that is not only Fresh but was produced in a way that fives the consumer a peace of mind about their purchase. Here are ET HEREFORDS BEEF it is our mission to bring to your home a quality product that everyone enjoys. Our livestock are raised on pasture south of Warrensburg, MO about 7 miles. They will receive small amounts of a commodity mix grain as a supplement for added weight gain efficience and flavor. | gracieevanscota@gmail.com | ||
Johnson | Chilhowee | Ben & Amanda Murphy | 660-525-5840 | Beef | armurphy11@hotmail.com | ||
Johnson | Warrensburg | Turnbow Livestock | 660-624-0428 | Turnbow Livestock is located on the Turnbow Century Farm in Warrensburg, Johnson County, Missouri. Our farm dates back to 1889 and has included seven generations. Feeding out steers startes as a hobby for our family in 2015, and swiftly became a large passion in our lives as the demand for our beef grew. At Turnbow Livestock, our cattle and pigs are part of the family, too. They are born and pasture-raised on our landn with no antibiotics, hormones, or steriods. Our cattle are pasture-raised on 80 acres of high quality grassland, well water, and fed daily with a custom corn mixture. Our cattle and pigs are raised and marketed locally, requiring less transportation to lessen the impact on the environment. | turnbowlivestock.farm | turnbowlivestock@gmail.com | |
Johnson | Centerview | Missouri Gems-Toole Farms LLC | 816-850-4728 | Direct market for beef, pork, lamb, poultry and produce. Meat and eggs available. Request cuts of meat by arrangement. 3 Generation Farm. | toolefarms.com | souscon4@gmail.com | |
Johnson | Concordia | AJB Farms LLC | 660-864-5231 | Angus beef for sale by the half or whole | ajbfarms2018@gmail.com | ||
Johnson | Concordia | David's Pasture LLC | 816-633-2411 | David's Pasture is a community-based meat producer focusing on regenerative practices and growing community. We produce and sell meats direclty to families across the midwest and delivers weekly to the Kansas City area. | davidspasture.com | remington@davidspasture.com | |
Johnson | LaMonte | LaMonte Meats | 660-347-5600 | LaMonte Meats offers processing service for wild game, beef, pork and more. | |||
Johnson | Holden | AJC Farms | 734-260-8635 | We are third generation livestock producers raising registered Angus cattle and Berkshire and Yorkshire hogs. At this time, we are offering retail pork cuts from hogs born and raised in Holden, MO and processed at Hetherington Meat Processing in Clinton, MO. The meat is for dale at K & A Creations located at 219 Market St., Holden, MO 64040. K & A is open Tuesday to Friday, 9 to 5 and Saturday 9 to 1. We also sell seedstock and/or you can purchase halves or whole hogs by contacting us directly. | ajcberkshires.com | conoverju@gmail.com | |
Knox | Hurdland | James Gang Cattle | 660-892-4277 | Beef on the hoof by half, quarter, etc. | ljames@marktwain.net | ||
Knox | Edina | Kevin Strange | 660-397-9999 | Whole beef only. | bstrange@marktwain.net | ||
Laclede | Lebanon | Highway H Highland Cattle Ranch | 417-286-3540 | We sell beef off the farm, at the Farmer's Market and at a retail outlet in Springfield. | bkbk@missouricom.com | ||
Laclede | Lebanon | The Deep Freezer | 417-718-1590 | We offer farm fresh beef cuts. | facebook.com/themccluredeepfreezer | mccluredeepfreezer@gmail.com | |
Laclede | Lebanon | Miklin Creek Farm | 417-718-7728 | Producing Royal White sheep, mainly registered for breeding, but we do have some live animals available for meat. | miklincreekfarm.com | mdhbart@usa.com | |
Laclede | Lebanon | Wrinkle Farms | 417-531-5442 | Grass feed grain finished beef. Steers are finished on a special ration for at least 120 days to maximize the marbling. These calves are raised on our farm and a few locally sourced beef. Extra care is always taken with raising our beef and hane fed everyday. Take pride in knowing that your feeding the most healthy, nutritousi and economical product that you can. Look us up on Facebook! Thanks! | wrinklefarms@yahoo.com | ||
Laclede | Lebanon | Hill Farm Meats LLC | 417-664-6318 | We offer single cuts, special deals, 1/4, 1/2 and wholes. We raise beef and pork. Farm to fork! | Hillfarmslebanon@gmail.com | ||
Laclede | Conway | JD's Milk, Eggs and More Dairy Store | 417-844-7217 | Raw, grass-fed, Ayrshire and Guernsey milk and other dairy products. Grass/grain fed beef and pork and more local products.. | facebook.com/groups/769666877673153/ | jessicagattondixon@live.com | |
Lafayette | Lexington | Rasa Orchards | 660-259-2938 | Retail market, orchard service. | |||
Lafayette | Lexington | Fahrmeier Farms | 816-289-2496 | The Fahrmeier farming operation began in 1947 as a traditional diversified crop and livestock farm. In 2004, we began growing fresh fruits and vegetables for markets and today, we grow about 40 acres of farm fresh fruits and vegetables. Fahrmeier Farms sells at farmers markets in the KC area, to area restaurants, schools and offers CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) subscriptions. | FahrmeierFarms@gmail.com | ||
Lafayette | Wellington | Nadler's Meats | 816-240-8124 | nadlersmeats.com | nadlers@aol.com | ||
Lafayette | Concordia | Storm Rider Farm | 816-589-4725 | stormriderfarm.com | jasterse@gmail.com | ||
Lafayette | Higginsville | Higginsville Processing Plant | 660-584-3550 | ||||
Lafayette | Lexington | Tabo Farms LLC | 660-232-6523 | Direct marketed grass fed, grass finished beef. | ldobson.farms@gmail.com | ||
Lafayette | Mayview | Brush Creek Meats/Liles Farms | 816-263-0005 | Third generation family owned farm to table operation. Offers wholes, halves, and by the pound. We do not use growth hormones, locally sourced grain and forage. | mater114@live.com | ||
Lawrence | Verona | Legacy Meats | 417-678-3902 | legacymeatscompany.com | |||
Lawrence | Pierce City | J & J Processing | 417-476-5451 | ||||
Lawrence | Mt. Vernon | Middleton's All Natural Meats | 417-466-1667 | USDA inspected beef and pork by the piece or half. State inspected chicken whole and cuts. | Middletonsallnaturalmeats.com | middletonfarm@gmail.com | |
Lawrence | Mt. Vernon | Ray's Farm Market LLC | 314-378-9602 | All natural beef by quarter, half or whole, hard neck garlic and scapes and blackberries in season, and microgreens year round. | Raysfarmtomarket.com | Jessieloucox@yahoo.com | |
Lawrence | Ash Grove | Blue Silo Beef | 307-630-2950 | Fresh, local beef served from our family to yours. | bluesilobeef.com | blue.silo.beef@gmail.com | |
Lawrence | Miller | The Farm Shop at Gleonda Farms | 417-536-8080 | Certified Angus beef andn other local products. | gleondaangus.com | gleondafarms@hotmail.com | |
Lewis | Canton | Dan Turner | 573-288-4343 | Sheep | turnerdan94@gmail.com | ||
Lewis | Lewistown | Michael VanMeter | 5766-406-4197 | Cattle | |||
Lewis | La Belle | Lumley Locker | 660-213-3373 | ||||
Lewis | Canton | Grassland Beef, LLC dba US Wellness Meats | 877-383-0051 | Online sales of grass-fed/finished beef, lamb, bison, elk, venison, butter and cheese. ABF/Non GMO pork, chicken, turkey, duck and rabbit. Limited offering of soy free chicken and pork. Good selction of wild caught seafood. Over 400 total SKUs. | uswellnessmeats.com | jwood@marktwain.net | |
Lincoln | Troy | Price Family Farms | 636-338-1418 | We specialize in the production of whole, half, and quarter sections of beef for the families of central and east central Missouri. | pricefamilyfarm.com | thepricefamilyfarm@centurytel.net | |
Lincoln | Silex | McDonald Farms Specialty Meats | 573-384-5480 | We are state licensed to sell retails cuts of farm raised beef and pork from our freezors. We also take orders for whole, halves, and quartred beeves along with whole and halves hogs. | mcdonaldspecialtymeat@gmail.com | ||
Lincoln | Elsberry | Brown's Smokehouse Meats | 573-384-5284 | ||||
Lincoln | Elsberry | Sugar Creek Piedmontese | 636-734-6620 | SCP raised Piedmontese cattle, butcher chickens, eggs, lamb & pork. We have an online store that you can purchase and pickup at various times and places in St. Charles and St. Louis. We also offer home deivery. Visit our website to order. You can also fin us at the local farmers markets. We also seel half & quarters, call fo rmore information. | sugarcreekpiedmontese.com | sugar_creek_pied@yahoo.com | |
Lincoln | Silex | Pat Kientzy Farms | 636-443-9743 | akientzy@gmail.com | |||
Lincoln | Silex | Ryan Family Farm | 636-299-2184 | Farm-fresh beef cattle | ryancattlefarm@gmail.com | ||
Lincoln | Elsberry | O'Brien Cattle Company | 636-462-0302 | O'Brien Cattle Company is all about raising beef right, from our pasture to your plate. We are USDA- inspected, selling retail cuts of beef, including steaks, roasts and ground beef | obriencattleco.com> | sean@obriencattleco.com | |
Lincoln | Silex | New Hartford Farm Co. | 636-459-8196 | 100% black angus beef | newhartfordfarmco.com | alvehige@gmail.com | |
Lincoln | Winfield | Mennemeyer Meats, LLC | 636-668-6141 | Meat Market | mennemeyermarket.com | info@mennemeyermarket.com | |
Lincoln | Winfield | Reifel Farms | 636-383-1421 | Pasture raised chicken and lamb | dereifel@yahoo.com | ||
Linn | Catharine | Sparks' Farms | 660-412-2230 | Pok, Beef | sparks.kristy@gmail.com | ||
Linn | Brookfield | Aaron Baker | 660-734-2409 | Beef | Bakerboys1098@yahoo.com | ||
Linn | St. Catharine | Gary Lane | Beef (hamburger) | glane@hughes.net | |||
Linn | Brookfield | Tom & Molly Parks | 660-375-3756 | Lamb | tomparks859@gmail.com | ||
Linn | St. Catharine | Kiowa Hills Ranch | 660-349-7213 | Pork, lamb | kiowahillsranch.com | ||
Linn | Brookfield | Uptown Farms | 660-541-0468 | Beef, lamb | uptownsheep.com | Uptownfarms@hotmail.com | |
Linn | Bucklin | Switzer Farms | 660-734-0510 | Pork, beef | switzerfarms@cvalleynet | ||
Linn | Meadville | Don & Mason Kiehl | 660-214-0729 | Beef | kiehl.hannah@gmail.com | ||
Linn | Marceline | Big Oak Beef | 660-349-7836 | Beef | bigoakbeef@gmail.com | ||
Linn | Laclede | Montgomery Livestock | 660-375-1949 | Pork | montgomerylvstk@yahoo.com | ||
Linn | Marceline | King's Processing & Catering | 660-376-2640 | ||||
Linn | Brookfield | Beef By The Side | 314-607-3873 | All-natural, hormoe free-Angus beef raised on our family farm. | BeefByTheSide.com | jamon@beefbytheside.com | |
Linn | Brookfield | Neeley's Farm Fresh Pork | 660-973-1752 | Our farm strives to sell quality fresh pork raised in a calm natural environment. | carla@nmcyf.org | ||
Linn | Brookfield | Sprague's Locker | 660-258-5148 | Hours: M-F 7-5:30, Saturday 7-2 | |||
Linn | Purdin | Purdin Processing | 660-244-3888 | Hours: M-F 8-5 | |||
Linn | Catharine | Green Hills Fresh Meats | 660-258-5148 | USDA inspected beef, pork, lamb and goat slaughter and processing facility. We also do custom slaughter and processing. Our retail store sells locally raised beef and pork | Greenhillsfreshmeats.com | greenhillsmeats@gmail.com | |
Linn | Meadville | Parsons Creek Steak | 660-324-0400 | Named in honor of the creek that runs through the area, Parsons Creek is a family-owned and operated farm on the expansive grasslands of northern Missouri were we raise Black Angus cattle. Our family's goal is to sustainably and humanely raise superior quality beef that we can seel directly from our pasture to your table. Our cattle are raised naturally*, on pasture, and in the sunshine. Pastur-raised and corn finished to provide you with beautifully tender and marbled meat with a truly delicous flavor. Our cattle are free of routine antibiotics and growth hormones and our family personally tends to the cattle every day, rain, snow or sunshine. We are dedicated to producing and providing our community, near and far, with superior quality beef so that future generations may continue to farm. Farm our farm to your table. | parsonscreeksteak.com | customersupport@parsonscreeksteak.com | |
Livingston | Chillicothe | Pasture to Plate Co. | 816-728-0480 | pasturetoplateco.com | stedem4@gmail.com | ||
Livingston | Mooresville | Silverleaf Land & Cattle | 660-646-4729 | ||||
Livingston | Chillicothe | Mr. G's Quality Cut Meats | 660-646-3388 | mrgsmeats.com | customerservice@mrgsmeats.com | ||
Livingston | Chillicothe | Hare B and B | 816-565-1248 | Home grown rabbits | jbuttman13@gmail.com | ||
Livingston | Chillicothe | A Cut Above | 660-247-2877 | We are a small family farm specializing in producing exceptional home raised meats, including beef, pork and lamb. Our animals are all free range and are finished on grass and grain. We give no vaccinations, antibiotics or added hormones to our animals raised for our customers. You are welcomg to purchase our inspected meat by the package or go big with the purchase of whole, half or quarter. You won't be disappointed. Contact us, we would love to impress you. | vadnaischill@aol.com | ||
Livingston | Chillicothe | Wigfield Farms | 816*804-8571 | Pasture finished | wigfieldfarms@gmail.com | ||
Livingston | Chillicothe | Swinging Meat Co. | 816-328-6328 | We strive to provide locally grown, farm fresh beef, at a fari price. | swingingmeatco.com | ||
Livingston | Meadville | Meadville Locker | 660-646-0951 | ||||
McDonald | Pineville | Adrienne Terrazas | 479-640-6393 | shambacreekfarm.com | shambacreekfarm@gmail.com | ||
McDonald | Grove, Oklahoma | Centennial Farm | 918-791-8871 | Beef | noemail@gmail.com | ||
McDonald | Rocky Comfort | King's Valley Meats | 479-312-0180 | Grass-fed, organic, lean beef. Grass-fed, grain finished, fatty beef. | KVMeats.com | rogers.tyler0@gmail.com | |
McDonald | Southwest City | Southwest City Processing LLC | 417-762-3515 | Custom butchering, curing smoking, sausage making. Local farmers with animals available. Call for contact information for tried and true producers or use our online bulletin board. | Swcprocessing.com | swcprocessing@icloud.com | |
McDonald | Pineville | Douglas Farms | 417-291-3678 | 1/4, 1/2 or whole farm fresh locally bred raised and fed Angus based beef available | jarydoug@gmail.com | ||
Macon | La Plata | Attadale Farm | 660-651-5788 | attadalefarm.com | ssfahs@outlook.com | ||
Macon | Macon | Special D Meats | 660-385-2141 | Hours: M-F 8-5:30, Saturday 8-2 | |||
Madison | Fredricktown | Pruett's Meat Processing | 573-944-3032 | facebook.com/PruettsMeatProcessing/ | |||
Madison | Fredricktown | Walker Meat Processing | 573-366-6387 | Beef and hogs sold by the side, Missouri Department of Ag inspected facility. | walkermeatprocessing.com/ | ||
Madison | Marquand | Kranjec Valley Angus Farm | 573-783-6950 | Offering grass/grain fed, pasture raised, registered certified angus beef. Farm to Fork freshness, flash frozen and vacuum sealed after processing. All our animals are USDA inspected. We offer individual cuts at our store. Whole or half beef can be ordered from our farm and custom cut at the local butcher. | kranjecvalleyangusfarmbeef.godaddysites.com | kranjecfarms@gmail.com | |
Madison | Marquand | KEP Farms | 573-631-9797 | Offering USDA beef to our wonderful customers. Contact us today to order a quarter, whole or half a beef- we also offer package deals. | street.leandra@icloud.com | ||
Maries | St. James | Rose Oak Beef LLC | 573-202-4678 | Grass fed and grass finished beef, specialized in british white park genetics. | jiyr4d@mail.missouri.edu | ||
Maries | Vienna | The Butcher Shop | 573-744-5888 | thebutchershopllc.com | thebutchershopllc@hotmail.com | ||
Maries | Vienna | Fick Distributing, Inc. | 573-422-3554 | fickdistributing.com | |||
Maries | Vichy | Bouse Land & Cattle, LLC | 573-263-0474 | We are a family owned operation primarily raising Simmental and SimAngus cattle. Our program utlizes rotational grazing and grain to produce a high quality product for our customers. We have individual retail cuts available along with the option of purchasing 1/4, 1/2 or whole beef. | bouse.heather@gmail.com | ||
Maries | Vienna | Farmer's Meat Market | 573-422-3000 | Family owned butcher shop in Vienna. We offer custom pork and beef butchering. A variety of beef and pork is available for purchase along with other MO grown products. | fmmvienna@gmail.com | ||
Maries | Vienna | Thompson Hill Farms | 573-578-0909 | All nature pasture raised angus and angus influenced beef. No growth hormones, antibiotics or animal byproducts. Finished on USDA certified non GMO corn. Processed locally to customer specifications. | thompsonhillfarm65582@gmail.com | ||
Maries | Dixon | Daisy Oaks Ranch LLC | 314-422-3661 | Farm to table angus beef individual packaged cuts and speciality products | DaisyOaksRanch.com | rebecca@daisyoaksranch.com | |
Maries | St. James | Circle T Farms | 573-578-3102 | Certified beef available, burger, steak, roasts, also half and whole beefs available. | circle_t_farms@outlook.com | ||
Maries | Meta | Heartland Beef Co. | 573-230-1265 | Locally raised Prime Angus beef for sale. We sell both beef shares as well as direct to consumer. | Heartlandbeefco.com | hearlandbeefco@gmail.com | |
Marion | Palmyra | The Country Butcher Shop | 573-769-2257 | towncountrybutchershop.com | |||
Marion | Philadelphia | Walnut Hill Farm | 573-439-5945 | ||||
Marion | Palmyra | Hidden D Cattle Company | 573-231-5634 | ||||
Marion | Palmyra | Huel-Haven Kuston Kuts | 618-604-7291 | ||||
Mercer | Princeton | Princeton Custom Meat Processinig | 660-748-4560 | ||||
Mercer | Princeton | Modina Variety Store | 660-748-3222 | ||||
Mercer | Mercer | Mercer Grocery Store | 660-382-4915 | ||||
Miller | Eldon | Smokin Bladez Custom Butchering LLC | 573-392-5959 | smokinbladez@hotmail.com | |||
Miller | Eugene | Sunrise Show Lambs | 573-690-5442 | Market ready beef, hogs and lamb for sale. Grass fed with grain supplement | kempkerjm@gmail.com | ||
Miller | Ulman | Robert Sparrow | 573-369-2840 | Near Osage Beach, beef in half or quarters, delivered to meat processor Marks Meat Processing. Grain fed (corn, soybean meal, hay). | robert.lisa.sparrow@gmail.com | ||
Miller | Eugene | Johnson Farms | 573-480-6507 | High quality well fattened beef shares (1/4, 1/2, or whole) for sale. Entirely raised from breeding to slaughter at our farms. Angus x Hereford and Angus x Charolais x Hereford steers are fattened for slaughter at 24 months of age. Genetics are selected for high quality beef. No hormones are used and antibiotics are used very sparingly. Processing is done at a local butcher in Versailles where meat is processed to the customers preferences and frozen for pick up. | porkrindemail@gmail.com | ||
Moniteau | California | Hidden Hollow Natural Grown Beef | 573-796-2059 | Chemical free naturally & humanely grown beef in closed herd, 14+ day aging, locally processed inspected facility. | hdnhlo@socket.net | ||
Moniteau | California | Burgers Ozark Hams, Inc. | 573-796-3134 | Country cured meats since 1952. | |||
Moniteau | Jamestown | Rocking P Ranch | 573-690-0676 | We are a working farm with USDA inspected packaged beef and pork, as well as eggs, meat rabbits and seasonal vegetables. | https://www.facebook.com/RockingPRanch | rockingpranch@hotmail.com | |
Moniteau | California | Burris Fork Farms | 573-645-3767 | Whole, half or quarter antibiotic free/no hormone added beef. | tlscon3@yahoo.com | ||
Moniteau | California | Clenin Farm Supply LLC | 573-338-4911 | Now selling locally grown pork, Moniteau County grown and USDA inspected. | www.facebook.com/cleninfarmsupply/ | cleninfarmsupply@gmail.com | |
Moniteau | Clarksburg | RR Milligan Farms | 573-690-5962 | Donmil723@aol.com | |||
Moniteau | California | The Farm Table | 573-680-2340 | We are state certified so can sell anything from a whole steer down to a package of hamburger. We look forward to hearing from you. | markway723@yahoo.com | ||
Moniteau | Clarksburg | RC Farms | 573-680-2290 | Dirt raised pork for custom butchering. Hogs raised the old fashioned way. | russellcrane38@gmail.com | ||
Moniteau | California | Fulks Family Farms LLC | 573-659-3949 | We are selling all home grown state inspected beef. Wholes, halves or individual packages of hamburger, steaks and roast. | rodneyfulks@gmail.com | ||
Moniteau | California | Diamond 4K Farms | 417-827-7985 | Diamond 4K Farms is a small, family-owned operation offering fresh and frozen beef. We strive to provide a quality product with competitive pricing. We offer Missouri Meat and Poultry Inspection Program (MMPIP) inspected Missouri beef in cooperation with USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS); raised 100% hormone & steriod free. All of our beef is ranch raised on FRESH Missouri grass. Grass-fed is what works best for our operation, allowing us to offer a unique product. In times of uncertainty, we want our customers to know where their food. Our family is committed to food safety and providing a quality product, we are Beef Quality Assurance certified to ensure our cattle are the best they can be. Contact us for all your beef needs, we offer half, whole, and individual cuts of beef. | facebook.com/diamond4kfarms | diamond4kfarms@gmail.com | |
Monroe | Paris | Hopewell Farms | 660-327-5277 | 100% Angus beef, buy a quarter, half or whole beef. Grain-finised for a more tender, tastier beef. | www.hopewellfarmsangus.com | Hopewellbeef@gmail.com | |
Monroe | Madison | Susie's Grass Fed Lamb | 573-682-3275 | www.facebook.com/susiesgrassfedlamb | grassfedmeats@gmail.com | ||
Monroe | Monroe City | White Barn Processing | 573-735-1289 | Custom/Private Label Meat Processing | whitebarnprocessing.com | wbprocessing@rallstech.com | |
Monroe | Paris | Youse Farm LLC | 660-651-4779 | We sell retail cuts of beef | yousesteers@yahoo.com | ||
Monroe | Monroe City | Border Street Sheep Company | 573-600-0307 | We produce mainly grass-finished lamb from dorper & katahdin stock; now expanding into pastured poultry via "chicken tractors". Management is geared toward each growing harvest richer than the last, with fewer inputs. | boarderstreetsheepco.com | cary@borderstreetsheepco.com | |
Monroe | Madison | Bountiful Acres LLC | 660-676-8905 | We sell butchered whole chickens, frozen and ready to cook | nherrin18@gmail.com | ||
Monroe | Monroe City | Sundown Ranch LLC | 573-822-8556 | Welcome to Sundown Ranch LLC where American Quarter Horses, Commercial Angus, Commercial Charolais, and registered Beefmaster are raised. At Sundown Ranch LLC we have American Quarter Horses, Calves and Retail Beef (Steaks, roasts and ground beef) for sale. Please call to arrange a visit at Sundown Ranch LLC. Sundown Ranch LLC is family-owned and operated. | https://www.facebook.com/share/sAjCMKqHByem7wXa/?mibextid=qi2Omg | sundownranchllc@gmail.com | |
Montgomery | Jonesburg | Davis Meat Processing, LLC | 636-488-5227 | Award winning cured and smoked ham, bacon, smoked pork chops, snack sticks, jerky, sausages and bratwurst. | www.davismeat.com | davismeat@centurytel.net | |
Montgomery | Wellsville | Robinson Family Farms | 314-406-7151 | As a seventh generation family farm, we are focused on providing healthy and wholesome pork, beef and chicken to other families in Missouri. On our farm, we are dedicated to producing the safest and highest quality meat that is easily accessible to your table. | robinsonfamilyfarms.com | tammy@robinsonfamilyfarms.com | |
Montgomery | Middletown | Kissing Cow L.L.C. | 573-484-6894 | All natural, humanely raised beef and pork, whole, half and by the cut. All animals raised on our farm. Contact for pricing and delivery | Freiefarm@gmail.com | ||
Montgomery | High Hill | J & D/s Ranchette LLC | 573-479-8651 | We raise chicken and hogs for butcher. They are all forest raised with no added hormones' or vaccines. We sell chicken whole and by the cut and Pork by whole or half. Call, Text or visit Facebook for more information. | www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100089139492399 | jdsranchette@gmail.com | |
Morgan | Fortuna | K&R Custom Butchering | 660-337-6867 | ||||
Morgan | Versailles | Leinbach Custom Butchering | 573-378-6517 | ||||
Morgan | Barnett | Tyler's Katahdin Farm | 573-286-2170 | Tyler Branstetter began raising Katahdin sheep as a 4H project when he was 8 years old. The now 11 yar old sells lamb meat from home and at the Eldon Farmers Market. The lamb is USDA inspected and sold frozen. | gabriellesgarden.com | gabriellesgarden1@gmail.com | |
Newton | Diamond | Steve Johnson Farms | 417-850-8920 | Farm raised beef sold by quarters, halves or full. | sjohnsonfarms@gmail.com | ||
Newton | Neosho | L & B's Goat Farm | 417-312-4477 | We primarily raise 100% New Zealand Kiko goats, but have some other commerial/meat goats as well. | lbrewer@central.com | ||
Newton | Neosho | Hatfield's Meats | 417-624-3765 | ||||
Newton | Neosho | Beard Cattle Company | 417-592-2150 | I sell half and whole beef that had been grass fed and finished for at least 60-90 days on full grain. | beardvet@gmail.com | ||
Newton | Neosho | Thogmartin Cattle Co. | 417-437-5823 | Multi-generation family farm located in Neosho, MO. Offering grain finished beef for sale. Contact us for pricing and availability. | thogmartincattleco@gmail.com | ||
Newton | Neosho | Murray Farms | 417-456-1456 | We sell farm fresh quarter, half or whole beef. Call for pricing and availability. | tmurray@empiredistrict.com | ||
Newton | Joplin | K & D Cattle Co. | 574-485-4771 | Selling locally raised & grown beef, pork, chicken, produce and flowers. Beef by individual cuts or whole, half & quarter's. Can deliver to your butcher. | dankelli@hotmail.com | ||
Newton | Joplin | Clear Water Shrimp Farm | 417-592-0800 | We are raising salt water "pacific white" shrimp for sale to the public. We have a large inventory at present. | cleatwatershrimpfarm.net | dshea48x@yahoo.com | |
Newton | Diamond | Beaver Farm Business | 417-325-4214 | We raise Red Angus beef cattle on our family farm. We practice sustainable farming methods, including rotational grazing. Our cattle are grass-fed with no unnecessary antibiotics. Our family has been raising beef cattle since the late 1990's. | ninabeaver13@gmail.com | ||
Nodaway | Skidmore | Vest Farms | 660-215-1843 | Vest farms raises Angus beef for purchase. Orders are proccessed at Clark's custom meats in St. Joseph. | vestbeef@gmail.com | ||
Nodaway | Clearfield, Iowa | Mangalitsa Estates | 641-344-5166 | Just north of Maryville, we raise five-star gourmet Mangalitsa pork (the 'Kobe beef of pork'). Product is available by the cut or other heritage breeds for custom processing. | mangalitsaestates.com | orders@mangalitsaestates.com | |
Nodaway | Barnard | JM Baker Farmss, LLC | 816-536-0067 | Farm raised beef, pork, chicken, turkey and eggs. Order online or stop by our location in Maryville, MO. | jmbakerfarms.comcom | jackie@jmbakerfarms.com | |
Nodaway | Barnard | Barnard Processing | 660-562-7892 | Barnard Processing is a full service USDA inspected facility for slaughter/processing of beef, pork, goat, lamb/sheep. We also have a wonderful supply of poultry and a buyers club for Alaskan Salmon. | Barnardprocessing.com | kwells@wellsfamilyfarms.com | |
Nodaway | Ravenwood | Red Raven Acres Meats | 660-254-3717 | We have home rised and USDA certified lamb for sale. We raise Dorper lamb, an exceptional meat breed known for its superb muscling and mild flavor. | jarkim2@grm.net | ||
Oregon | Koshkonong | Pease Farms | 417-264-3163 | Beef cattle farm | peasefarms@hotmail.com | ||
Oregon | Koshkonong | Missouri's Best Beef Inc. | 417-867-8501 | mobest@centurylink.net | |||
Oregon | Thayer | Katie's Deer Processing | 417-280-7239 | ||||
Oregon | Casey Cox | 417-270-1100 | |||||
Oregon | Koshkonong | VonAllmen Processing | 417-867-5565 | VonAllen Processing is a family owned and operated business providing quality meat processing. | tmgarrison2018@gmail.com | ||
Osage | Westphalia | Tender N Tasty Beef | 573-690-0460 | midmobeef.com | tenderntasty@gmail.com | ||
Osage | Loose Creek | Boeckmann Family Farm LLC | 573-619-2914 | Grass-fed beef, pork | Boeckmannfamilyfarmllc.com | chris@boeckmanfamilyfarmllc.com | |
Osage | Loose Creek | Scherf Meat Processing | 573-897-9930 | ||||
Osage | Loose Creek | Backes Poultry | 573-897-2353 | ||||
Osage | Koeltztown | Luebbering Shorthorn Farm | 573-690-0460 | tenderntastybeefllc.com | |||
Osage | Chamois | Bar LUK Cattle Company | 573-763-5732 | Grass-finished Black Angus Beef. Have not been give antibiotics in their feed or growth hormone implants. Wholesome, unadulterated beef since 1996. We offer a home delivery service in the Greater St. Louis and Mid Missouri area. | realusabeef.com | realusabeef@gmail.com | |
Osage | Westphalia | Maries River Wagyu | 833-679-2333 | American Wagyu beef | mariesriverwagyu.com | info@mariesriverwagyu.com | |
Osgae | Freeburg | Wagon Bridge Farms | 573-619-5774 | Wagyu + Angus cross beef | wagonbridgefarms.net | steve@wagonbridgefarms.net | |
Osage | Bland | Dowler Farms | 573-645-7979 | Dowler Farms in Osage County was established in 1908 and is now a fourth generation farm. We currently raise cattle, sheep, chickens and hogs as well as sell fresh grown produce, Missouri made jams and jellies, and locally raised flowers and plants. We take pride in our sustainable practices and animal husbandry. Every animal that is sold thru our online store has been born and raised on our farm. Check us out on Facebook at Dowler Farms! | dowlerfarms.com | dowlerfarms187@gmail.com | |
Ozark | Brixey | Freeman Family Farms of the Ozarks | 417-651-5662 | freeamyadam@yahoo.com | |||
Ozark | Roberta Klingler | 417-554-2584 | |||||
Ozark | Gainesville | Johnson Farms | 417-372-1895 | All natural farm fresh beef. Taking orders now. Delivered to local processor. Raised right from birth. | Laramie.Johnson@swcd.mo.gov | ||
Ozark | Wasola | WMC Cattle Company | 417-989-0486 | Please call or come by for a visit if you have an interest in Hereford Cattle. | www.wmacattleco.com | info@wmccattleco.com | |
Ozark | Gainesville | Laramie Johnson | 417-372-1895 | Live weight seller | |||
Ozark | Dora | Phillip Smith | 417-712-1583 | Live weight seller | |||
Ozark | Protem | Troy Masterson | 417-251-2240 | Live weight seller | |||
Ozark | Dora | Dora FFA | 870-421-2328 | ||||
Ozark | Theodosia | Myers Farms | 417-712-1966 | Local farm raised beef, we are a live weight seller. Cattle are born and fed out on the farm, black and/or red angus. | melisa.myers@swod.mo.gov | ||
Ozark | Theodosia | CF Meat Co. | 417-712-1037 | We sell farm to rable beef, lamp, pork, chicken, cheese and milk. Come visit our store. | sclayton1274@yahoo.com | ||
Pemiscot | Portageville | Crit Cattle | 573-380-5837 | Beef Cattle | facebook.com/profile.php?id=100070167892082/ | tkbfarms@yahoo.com | |
Perry | Perryville | Stonie's Sausage Shop | 573-547-2540 | shopstonies.com/ | |||
Perry | Perryville | Etzold Packing | 573-547-6815 | facebook.com/pages/Etzold-Packing/163697566993264 | |||
Perry | Perryville | Three Springs Farms | Grass fed beef, pastured pork and patured chickens in packages. Grain fed beef available as whole, halves or quarters. | Aob5yc@gmail.com | |||
Perry | Jackson | Jahn Farms | 573-768-0748 | Butcher ready hogs & feeder pigs | |||
Perry | Frohna | Stueve Farms | 573-225-6504 | Butcher ready & feeder pigs | |||
Perry | Perryville | Dry Fork Creek Farms, LLC | 573-513-3002 | Dry Fork Creek Farms raises grass fed beef to sell direct to consumers. Currently selling whole, 1/2 or 1/4 beef. Availability every other month pending growth. Please reach out to be added to our wait list. Thanks! | facebook.com/DryForkCreekFarmsLLC/ | hello@dryforkcreekfarmsllc.com | |
Perry | Perryville | M & M Meats | 573-547-4575 | Custom slaughter and processing of beef and pork. USDA inspected. | mmmeats1997@gmail.com | ||
Pettis | Smithton | PBR Meat Processing | 660-281-9925 | pbrphone@live.com | |||
Pettis | Otterville | Ray's Custom Butchering | 660-343-5766 | ||||
Pettis | Otterville | R&D Pork Enterprise | 660-366-4507 | ||||
Pettis | Sedalia | Kempf's Custom Butchering | 660-826-2898 | kempfsmeats.com | |||
Pettis | Sedalia | Fed From The Farm | 660-620-9052 | Pasture Raised Food and Peace Of Mind - So Your Family Can Thrive! Fed From The Farm offers Grassfed to Finish Beef and Lamb and Pastures raised non GMO Pork and Chicken to families throughout Missouri via pickup locations and delivery. Learn more at fedfromthefarm.com | fedfromthefarm.com | david@fedfromthefarm.com | |
Pettis | Sedalia | Pork Belly Hill | 660-619-6536 | Butcher hogs available for fresh pork. Family farm has been raising hogs for over 40 years. Hogs will be deliverd to Kemfp's Custom Butchering in Sedalia for processing. | sellersfk@gmail.com | ||
Pettis | Houstonia | Circle T Farms | 660-619-8814 | All your fresh beef needs. Pre-processing and processed. | circletfarmshoustoniamo@gmail.com | ||
Pettis | La Monte | Jones Bros Farms | 660-460-7623 | Lim-Flex quality commerial Farm raised beef. Sold off the farm or at Jones Bros. Ag. Store in La Monte, MO. Also available to purchase as a whole or half beef. Call to be added to the waiting list or stop by the store for all your grilling needs. | gjonesbrosfarms@gmail.com | ||
Pettis | Sweet Springs | 180 Farms | 816-564-2926 | Offering grass finished beef, pastured chicken and eggs, wheat and flour | greg@koppelfab.com | ||
Pettis | Sedalia | Bar C Meat Company | 660-620-2526 | We are a five generation family farm that focuses on raising all natural Wagyu Akaushi Angus cross beef. | barcmeatco.com/ | david@barcmeatco.com | |
Pettis | La Monte | Rieckhoff Farms | 660-953-1748 | Lambs for sale to take to the butcher or cam pick up from the butcher! Located in Central MO. | parksr4565@gmail.com | ||
Phelps | St. James | Forest City Packing Co | 573-265-7674 | ||||
Phelps | Rolla | Rockin' R Ranch | 573-465-4007 | USDA inspected fresh frozen PureLean Homegrown Beef. Low fat, lean beef. Very tasty. | kenneth@ragsdell.com | ||
Phelps | Rolla | BMP Farm | 573-308-7438 | BMP Farm raises 100% Grass-Fed & Finished Belted Galloway Cattle. Out cattle live their lives on pasture and hay with no growth hormones. Contacct us for the nutritional analysis of Beltie beef which is second to none. We currently off split sides, half and whole beeves sold by the hanging weight. Our beef is processed at our local processor with USDA inspection offering custom cutting and packaging to your specifications. See our Belties on our website and contact us for current pricing or simply to "talk Beltie". We look forward to hearing from you. Tony & Myra Franks, BMP Farms. | bmpfarm.com | contact@bmpfarm.com | |
Phelps | Rolla | Aero Plane Farm | 573-612-9779 | Selling Waguy beef along with Angus beef. Will have Wagyy/Angus cross beef in spring of 2023. | areoplanefarm@yahoo.com | ||
Phelps | Rolla | Hamilton Holiday Orchard | 573-368-8210 | We have a 30 acre, 1200+ tree fruit orchard in Rolla, MO. We grow, harvest and sell peaches, paers and apples each Fall and this is our debut seaons for "Christman at the Orchard". We are deocrating our apple trees, farm house, barn, and other parts of our farm, etc. with other 500,000 Christmas lights and inviting the community to come out and enjoy a walk-through experience. We are hosting additional evernts like this for other holidays in 2023. | hamiltonholidayorchard.com | hamiltonholidayorchard@gmail.com | |
Pike | Bowling Green | Woods Smoked Meats | 573-324-2247 | woodssmokedmeats.com | |||
Pike | Clarksville | Steinhage Farm | 573-721-7668 | Fifth generation family farm that sells quality grass and corn finished beef. We sell state inspected beef by the pound and whole. Prices are unbeatable. | awcattlecompany.com | imaginepictureperfect@yahoo.com | |
Platte | Weston | FARMFARE | 816-489-0361 | FARMFARE is a small farm and food business basing inWeston, MO. We are built around fresh organic food and Midwestern hospitality. Farmfare no offers fully prepared, fresh family dinners, available for pick-up every Wednesday. | thefarmfare.com | katie@thefarmfare.com | |
Platte | Weston | KC Cattle Company | 816-929-6634 | www.kccattlecompany.com | kale@kccattlecompany.com | ||
Platte | Platte City | Jowler Creek Cattle Company | 816-341-2270 | Prime individual cuts of beef such as hamburger patties, steaks, roast and brisket. | Jowlercreekcattlecompany@gmail.com | ||
Platte | Weston | Outback Pastures | 415-533-8085 | outbackpastures@gmail.com | |||
Platte | Weston | Odd Bird Farms | 913-449-9220 | oddbirdfarm.com | |||
Platte | Pastvina Acres Farm | 816-605-0735 | |||||
Platte | Weston | Green Grass Cattle Co | 913-424-7745 | Our cattle are raised on lush green pastures and grain finished. No hormones, non gmo and Vet monitored. | greengrasscattleco.com | beef@greengrasscattleco.com | |
Platte | Dearborn | Platte River Cattle Co. | 816-723-6044 | Quality farm raised beef on our 4th generation family farm. Also offer order buying, cow/calf pairs, feed cattle, hay sales & custom hay. | georgedakoda@gmail.com | ||
Platte | Platte City | Loghry Cattle Co. | 816-723-0350 | Black and Red Angus Beef | loghrycattleco@gmail.com | ||
Polk | Halfway | Brennen's Farm | 417-298-7459 | Small family famr raising grass fed grain finished Angus beef. | darlenebrennen55@gmail.com | ||
Polk | Brighton | Bear Creek Angus Ranch | 660-553-0638 | Sellling whole, half and individual packaged beef from a group of butcher calves that will be ready mid August 2021. | reecegabbert@gmail.com | ||
Polk | Bolivar | Fed Up Cattle Co. | 417-777-0542 | Farming has been our way of life for many generations as it has for others in the community. We have put quality above all else in our attempt to raise, develop and finish highly palatable 100 % black angus beef. We invite you into our family as we try to deliver the best tasting beef cuts on the market | shorty.mashburn@gmail.com | ||
Polk | Halfway | Sharp Meats | 417-399-4397 | Family farm raising and selling grass-fed beef and lamb. | sharpmeats2053@gmail.com | ||
Polk | Bolivar | The Butcher LLC | 417-272-6328 | Retail Meat and other local product sales. Custom cut to your liking and vacuum seal packaged or pap | thebutcherbolivar.com | ||
Pulaski | Richland | K & K Meat Processing | 573-480-1635 | ||||
Putnam | Unionville | US Premium Elk | 660-933-4682 | Raise elk, elk meat sales, business card holders and lamps out of elk antlers, tours of elk farm. | larulj@nemr.net | ||
Ralls | Center | Center Locker | 573-267-3343 | www.centerlocker.com | centerlocker@att.net | ||
Ralls | Perry | 4 Quarter Processing | 573-565-2622 | 4quarterprocessing.com | 4quarterprocessing@gmail.com | ||
Ralls | Vandalia | Wallace Family Farms | 573-470-0779 | wallacemeats.com | frank@wallacemeats.com | ||
Ralls | New London | Arthaud Cattle Farm | 573-822-3802 | Angus and angus cross beef. Sell by quarter, half or whole. Will finish on grass or grain upon request. Call for details. | kevin.arthaud@gmail.com | ||
Ralls | Perry | Bailey Beef Company | 573-470-6051 | We are a family-owned operation dedicated to raising high-quality Wagyu-influenced beef, offering both whole and half cuts for our valued customers. | |||
Randolph | Huntsville | Stockmore Farms | 660-833-3771 | Our cattle and sheep are grass fed, hormone free, and cared for with the highest standards. We take pride in our meat and work hard to ensure our animals are of the highest quality. We have butcher dates in September and October and offer reasonable prices. Let us know if you are interested and we will work with your to fulfill your needs. Thank you for supporting your local farmers! | donnabeaudoin@yahoo.com | ||
Randolph | Clifton Hill | Rice Farms | Production of agriculture in the areas of row crops, beef cattle and a new enterprise - freshwater shrimp prawns. | ||||
Randolph | Higbee | Foxtail Farms LLC | 573-289-1025 | foxtailfarmsinc.com | |||
Randolph | Moberly | Country Meat Shop | 660-263-4663 | countrymeatshop.com | |||
Randolph | Clifton Hill | Britt Farms Beef | 660-833-9875 | We sell healthy and affordable Angus beef. Our beef is free of antibiotics and added hormones. We sell quarters, halves and whole beef. | www.BrittFarmsBeef.com | kara.brittfarms@gmail.com | |
Randolph | Higbee | Lorenz Livestock | 573-514-2744 | We offer grass fed/grass finished and grain finished beef along with grass fed/grass finished lamb. Our meat is antibiotic and hormone free. Please contact us with any questions. | lorenzlivestock.com | lorenzlivestock@gmail.com | |
Ray | Hardin | Safley Farm | 816-776-9028 | High quality, corn finished beef for sale- individual cuts and also taking full orders for 1/4, 1/2 and whole beef (Sept/Oct. | katie.l.safley@gmail.com | ||
Ray | Richmond | Of The Earth Farm & Distillery | 660-232-1096 | Pork and lamb | oftheearthfarm.com | info@oftheearthfarm.com | |
Ray | Excelsior Springs | Be Whole Again Farm | 816-379-6455 | bewholeagain.com | Rachel@bewholeagain.com | ||
Ray | Richmond | Crooked River Meats | 816-776-3535 | crookedrivermeats.com | |||
Ray | Rayville | White Branch Farms LLC | 816-726-0544 | Black angus beef. Farm raised, all natural feed | ronwhite5352@yahoo.com | ||
Ray | Richmond | Proffitt Livestock | 816-225-6032 | Lambs for sale to take to butcher. | jproffitt6842@gmail.com | ||
Ray | Lawson | Lamp Farm | 660-358-4017 | Pork & Beef, organically raised vegetables, Goat's Milk Soap & other body products, Spice mixes & seasoning | facebook.com/lampfarm | gregandcasey@gmail.com | |
Ray | Lawson | Rose Hill Cattle Co. | 816-830-7442 | KC Beef Co is a family owned farm to table beef purveyor. We have the beef and the butcher. We have a large herd of predominantly angus cattle and we fatten about 500 head per year. We also own our own butcher shop in Butler MO so you don't have to wait. Custom beef delivered within 30-45 days. | kcbeefco.com | mbriegel@kcbeefco.com | |
Ray | Excelsior Springs | Dempsey & Son's Beef | 816-826-6229 | Home raised beef. | bmd7413@yahoo.com | ||
Ray | Hardin | Jennifer Gant | 816-217-3198 | Longhorn ground beef by the pound. Grass fed, grass finished. | jgant123@yahoo.com | ||
Ripley | Doniphan | McCabe's Greener Pasture | 573-544-4513 | serraccabe@yahoo.com | |||
Ripley | Grandin | Ozark Meats | 573-593-4199 | ozarkmeatinc.com | |||
Ripley | Fairdealing | Pennington Meat Packing | 573-996-4169 | facebook.com/groups/117883894939003 | |||
Ripley | Doniphan | JC Barnett Cattle | 573-714-8272 | JC Barnett Cattle is a quality driven registered angus and commerical cattle operation located in southeast Missouri. Offereing registered angus see stock, commercial replacement femaless as well as Farm to Fork freezer beef. Pricing or how you sell your animals: (by the cut or bundle or side) All three options available, contact for current pricing. | jrd_barnett@yahoo.com | ||
Ripley | Doniphan | Greener Pastures Angus | 573-544-4513 | Grass fed grain finish, hormone free, USDA inspected quality beef cuts, bundles & whole, half, quarter beef. Bringing farm to fork a reality, delivery available. | serramccabe@yahoo.com | ||
Ripley | Doniphan | Out Yonder Farm | 573-247-5994 | Hand raised, grain fed steers. Enrolled in MFA's quality feed and RX program at weaning. | texastombo55@Gmail.com | ||
St. Charles | New Melle | Bavarian Smoke Haus | 636-828-4189 | bshmo.com | smokehaus96@hotmail.com | ||
St. Charles | Wentzville | Josephville Meat Processing | 636-327-5455 | ||||
St. Charles | O'Fallon | Hwy P Market & Meats | 636-379-8780 | ||||
St. Charles | St. Charles | CTLG Contracting | 314-440-2497 | Half cow | tlg.exteriors07@gmail.com | ||
St. Charles | Defiance | Circle 6 Acres | 636-866-8743 | Our farm is proud t have the number one bull in the nation for IMF and marbling! We take great pride in raising prime angus free of hormornes and unneccary antibiotics. We breed, raise and sell beef with the utmost respect to the animal and in the most humane way possible. We pride ourselves in offering our customers fantastic meat and great customer service. We also raise hogs and sell pork. Our children participate in the local 4H and also show hogs. We look forward to serving your family! | tiffany@pwpstl.com | ||
St. Charles | Foristell | The Stull Farm | 636-357-3208 | We currently sell pastured raised, antibiotic free and USDA inspected pork | TheStullFarm.com | orders@thestullfarm.com | |
St. Charles | Weldon Spring | Benne's Best Meat | 636-486-6024 | We are 7th generation farmers and have been selling meat to the public for about 23 years. We grow beef, pork, chicken and eggs without hormones or antibiotics. Much of our livestock incorporate heritage breeds in our breeding program. The beef and pork are sold by the cut as well as by sides. You can buy small quantities. Free-range chickens are whole chickens only. We are one of the last farms in the area. Feel free to check our our website or call. I love talking to people. | bennesbest.com | jolene@bennesbest.com | |
St. Charles | Foristell | Twisted Ash Farm & Dairy, LLC | 636-448-8881 | Pasture raised beef, pork, lamb, chicken, turkey, duck and raw milk. | twistedashfarm.com.com | twistedashfarmanddairy@gmail.com | |
St. Clair | Collins | Buzz's Market | 417-275-4360 | buzzsmarket.com | buzzs@centurytel.net | ||
St. Clair | Schell City | Abbott Angus Farm | 417-876-8834 | Premium black angus beef for sale. We sell halves or wholes with plans to add bundles. Currently, we are taking down a list of names for spring orders. These beefs are not hormone implanted and are finished on corn raised on our farm. | susan_abbott@yahoo.com | ||
St. Clair | Shelby Brothers Beef | 417-309-1350 | Beef | austin.shelby2@gmail.com | |||
St. Clair | Lowry City | Murray's Butcher Block | 417-644-2323 | Murraysbutcherblock.com | |||
St. Clair | Appleton City | Salmon Enterprises, LLC | 417-321-4515 | We sell Local Frm Fresh Beef and Beef Snack Sticks. Check out our website or contact us to purchase local farm fresh beef for your family. | salmonenterprisesllc.com | salmonenterprises5@gmail.com | |
St. Clair | Appleton City | Bock Ranch | 660-492-7697 | One hundred miles SW of Kansas City or ninety miles NW of Springfield | bocklandcattle@hotmail.com | ||
St. Clair | Quincy | Brooks Family Farm | 417-399-1080 | Raising great tasting pork and chichek on pasture. No hormones or unneccary antibiotics. | thebrooksfamilyfarm.com | brooksfamilyfarm.mo@gmail.com | |
St. Louis | Wildwood | Clover Meadow Beef LLC | 636-376-7990 | clovermeadowsbeef.com | hello@clovermeadowsbeef.com | ||
St. Louis | Webster Groves | Naked Bacon | 314-324-4261 | Meat, Pork, Speciality Meats | john@nakedbaconco.com | ||
St. Louis | St. Louis | G & W Meat | 314-352-5066 | gwsausage.com | |||
St. Louis | St. Louis | John Volpi & Co | 314-772-8550 | volpifoods.com | |||
St. Louis | St. Louis | Kenricks Meat & Catering | 314-631-2440 | kenricks.com | |||
St. Louis | C&C Butcher | 636-220-8133 | ccbutcher.com | candcbutcher@yahoo.com | |||
St. Louis | Bridgeton | Kern Meat | 314-664-4467 | Since 1948, Kern Meat has provided Midwestern and St. Louis restaurants, hotels, clubs, and institutions with outstanding meat products. Kern Meat Company has grown to become one of the most recognizable names in the St. Louis and the Middle West for providing quality USDA-inspected meat. Most recently , we were selcted by the members of the American Culinary Federtion (ACF) Chefs de Cuisine Association of St. Louis as the 2009 Purveyor of the Year, and in 2012, Dennis Markwardt was awarded the T. C. Debois Chen Award from the ACF Chefs de Cuisine Association of St. Louis for his professional commitment to the foodservice industry. | kernmeatsco.com | info@kernmeatco.com | |
St. Louis | St. Louis | Oakville Butcher Block | 314-939-1133 | Oakville Butcher Block is to bring high quality meats to the Oakville are at an affordable price. "We will be cutting USDA CHOICE BEEF, USDA PRIME BEEF, special order only on Prime Beef and Fresh Never Frozen Poultry, available at the Oakville Butcher Block. | oakvillebutcherblock.com | info@oakvillebutcherblock.com | |
St. Louis | St. Louis | Pierce Creek Cattle Company | 314-420-8696 | PLEASE NOTE: the cattle ranch is in Lonedell, Missouri in Franklin County and the office address is in St. Louis County Missouri. We receive a;l mail at our business address. Wew are a 4th generation cattle ranch in Londell, Missouri with a primary customer base in the St. Louis region. All of our beef is pasture raised with no added hormones or unnecessary antibiotics. We offer grain-finished and grass-fed beef in customized bundles (choose select cuts) or as 1/4, 1/2 or whole beef. All beef orders come with free deliver to the St. Louis region. Social media is Facebook or Instagram @piercecreekcattlecompany. | piercecreekcattlecompany.com | piercecreekcattlecompany@gmail.com | |
Ste. Genevieve | Ste. Genevieve | Oberle Meats | 573-886-5656 | oberlemeats.com | home@oberlemeats.com | ||
Ste. Genevieve | Charlie Spray | 573-747-7106 | Beef | ||||
Ste. Genevieve | G & D Butcher Shop | 573-8823-2543 | |||||
Ste. Genevieve | Farmington | Rocky Bottom Beef & Bulldogs LLC | 573-747-6525 | We're a small family farm that takes great pride in the USDA inspected/processed Angus beef that we raise to fill families freezors. Twice a year we raise hogs to butcher as well. | rockybottombeefandbulldogs.com | rockybottombeefandbulldogs@outlook.com | |
Ste. Genevieve | Ste. Genevieve | Eckenfels Farms | 573-883-0337 | Grass fed beef, pork, chicken and eggs | eckenfelsfarms.com | bseckenfels@yahoo.com | |
Ste. Genevieve | Farmington | Honeysuckle Farms | 573-330-6595 | USDA inspected individual cuts vacuum packed. Also 1/4, 1/2 and wholes available. | scott_lix@yahoo.com | ||
Ste. Genevieve | Farmington | Bar MT Ranch | 573-366-1009 | We have whole, half, quarter beefs available for purchase lalong with single cuts. | kethompson71418@gmail.com | ||
St. Francois | Farmington | Farmington Meat & Processing | 573-756-2204 | ||||
St. Francois | Bonne Terre | Falling Sun Ranch | 573-238-8640 | We offer pasture raised, grass fed beef in quarter, half and full cow beef shares with customers choise of grass finished or grain finished. | fallingsunranch.com | fallingsunranch@gmail.com | |
St. Francois | Valles Mines | Salem Terrace Farm | 314-680-2909 | Family Farm raising boar meat goats, quail, and quail eggs. | https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=101658006194662&set=a.101658032861326 | adennert@protonmail.com | |
St. Francois | Bonne Terre | Bar W Ranch Meat Co. | 573-760-3528 | Meat market; beef, pork chicken. | cwisema08@gmail.com | ||
Saline | Miami | Pomerenke Provisions | 847-404-6532 | Pomerenke Provisions raises Berkshire and Berkshire/Duroc hogs year around selling at Overland Park Farmers Market and Columbia Farmers Market. We also raise Wagyu/Angus cattle selling cuts and quarters. | pomerenkeprovisions@gmail.com | ||
Schuyler | Queen City | 4L Family Farm | 563-580-3781 | Raising high-quality livestock is a longstanding tradition in Missouri and we are committed to providing nourishing, delicious, locally-raised and processed meats available and affordable for everyone. We provide premiu, dry-aged, flash-frozen, USDA certified beef and pork straight from the farm to your freezer. | facebook.com/4lfamilyfarm | 4lfamilyfarm@gmail.com | |
Schuyler | Downing | Farmsworth Heritage Trust | 207-280-1141 | Family owned and operated farm in rural Northeast Missouri, produces Akoushi beef that is exceptional in taste and tenderness | jared.abs@gmail.com | ||
Schuyler | Queen City | The Old Brick Ranch | 660-216-3697 | Healthy, nutritious meats. Pork, chicken, lamb and beef. | TheOldBrickBarnRanch.com | ||
Scotland | Memphis | Mauck Farms Freezer Beef | 660-216-1154 | ||||
Scotland | Rutledge | Rutledge Meat Processing | 660-883-5358 | Hours: M-F 8-5, Saturday 8-3 | |||
Scotland | Memphis | Country View Store | 660-883-5388 | Hours: M-F 7-5:30, Saturday 8-5:30 | |||
Scotland | Baring | 100% Grass Fed, All Natural Beef. We sell by the pound, or you can preorder 1/4, 1/2 or whole. | 660-342-7590 | emelbeef@gmail.com | |||
Scott | Scott City | Essner's Custom Butchering | 573-264-4203 | ||||
Scott | Oran | Scherer Farms Custom Processing | 573-262-2397 | facebook.com/SchererFarmCustomProcessing | |||
Scott | Sikeston | Confluent Cattle Company | 573-380-6417 | We raise grass fed all natural beef. Grain finished and marbled for a quality flavor profile. | mark.anderson@confluentgroup.com | ||
Shannon | Summersville | Zimmerman Meat Processing | 417-932-5557 | zimmermanmeats.com/ | |||
Shannon | Winona | Stein's Meat Processing | 573-604-0043 | Home raised and finished beef and lamb. Processed on site in our USDA inspected processing facility. | barsranch.net | andystein_smp@yahoo.com | |
Shelby | Shebina | Garreston Meat Processing | 573-588-4070 | ||||
Shelby | Shelbyville | Parsons Naturally Raised Heritage Pork | 217-617-8507 | Our Mangalitsa and Mulefoot cross hogs are raised on pasture and enjoy the dirt, woods, creek and sunshine on our farm. NO hormones, NO antibiotics. Their diet consists of a non-GMO feed mix, plus acorns, roots, grubs, grass, minerals from the dirt and anything else they can dig up. These happy, humanely raised hogs not only taste better, they're better for you! | Memiller8051@gmail.com | ||
Shelby | Shelbina | Larrick Farms Quality Beef | 660-651-6622 | Purchase half, whole or by the package beef. | |||
Shelby | Leonard | Black Creek Ranch | 573-881-0484 | We raise outdoor heritage breed pigs on grass. We feed a plant protein-based diet free of hormornes and antibioticss. We can schedule indivudual locker appointments for customers or we can schedule full loads for larger orders. We are Prop-12 audited. We also have an American Grass Association audit. Call with any questions. | mattbeacg@marktwain.net | ||
Stoddard | Advance | The Meat Shop | 573-722-9895 | ||||
Stoddard | Puxico | Eck Meat Processing | 573-222-3144 | ||||
Stoddard | Bloomfield | Gary Deardorff | 573-614-2525 | ||||
Stoddard | Trover Farms | 573-281-0040 | facebook.com/trover.farms | ||||
Stoddard | Dexter | Dexter Fresh | 573-652-9459 | Grass fed beef | dexterfresh.com | bobby@dexterfresh.com | |
Stoddard | Dexter | Heil Farm | 573-624-1752 | Small producer of beef, selling direct to consumer to local processor. | heilhouse@sbcglobal.net | ||
Stoddard | Puxico | Wagner Cattle Co. | 573-300-6686 | We sell whole or half or steaks and burger by the pound. Call or message us on Facebook - Wagner Cattle Co. | nickwagner78@yahoo.com | ||
Stoddard | Dexter | Southern Custom Meats | 573-820-0836 | Offering fresh & frozen meats. Custom butchering. | |||
Stone | Billings | Burton's Farm | 417-369-4328 | Sale of milk, berries, fruits, vegetables, beef, chicken, biscuits, pizzas, etc. | burtonsfarm.com | ||
Stone | Crane | Cow Kiss Ranch | 417-988-8896 | We offer a direct to consumer outlet for beef. Our cattle are hand raised and bred. We allow our clients to purchase their beef in any size or quantity that suites their needs. | CowKissRanch.com | CowKissRanch@gmail.com | |
Stone | Crane | Hetherington Cattle Company | 417-839-4105 | We raise high quality Angus and Sim Angus cattle. We sell beef by the 1/4, 1/2, and whole. Check our our reviews on Facebook. | m.facebook.com/HetheringtonCattle/ | clinthetherington@gmail.com | |
Stone | Galena | Molly Moo Farm | 417-231-2333 | Registered black angus | deanawolfe5@gmail.com | ||
Stone | Galena | Maples Ridge Meats LLC | 417-880-9057 | Grass fed beef in the hills of the Ozarks. | chrisamaples@gmail.com | ||
Sullivan | Green City | Ayers Farm | 660-874-4305 | Ayers Farms is a forage based, beef cattle operation focused on performance oriented Angus cattle. A detailed herd health program is implemented in cooperation with our supervising veterinarian, Dr. Larry Letner, and his wife Kristy (RickÕs sister). In 2014 the farm was recognized by the Missouri Department of Agriculture and was awarded the first Agriculture Stewardship Assurance Program (ASAP). | ayersfarms.wordpress.com | ||
Sullivan | Milan | Littrell Family Farms | 660-292-1580 | Raise and sell Mulefoot, sell butcher & breeding stock, sell individual pork cuts. | |||
Sullivan | Milan | Epiphany Acres | 660-857-4443 | epiphanyacres.com | discover@epiphanyacres.com | ||
Sullivan | Green City | Rick Ayers | 660-216-9501 | Sells beef | rjayers@hotmail.com | ||
Sullivan | Greencastle | Athon Farms | 660-342-8875 | Vegetables in season, beef, pork and chickens also available. | r_athon@hotmail.com | ||
Sullivan | Greencastle | Wildflower Grove | 660-874-4448 | Florist, restaurant, décor, gifts, seasonal with produce, gourds, pumpkins, flowers, etc. | wildflowergrovemo.com | wildflowersgrove.llc@gmail.com | |
Taney | Protem | Ozark Grasslands Angus Beef | 417-251-2238 | We sell wholes and halves of 100% grass finished beef. Born and raised on our farm. Delivered to local processor. | |||
Taney | Bradleyville | Lazy B Ranch Longhorn Cattle Company | 417-543-3139 | Lazy B Ranch Longhorn Cattle Company sells naturally extra lean grass fed longhorn beef. Our cows are pasture raised and never given added hormornes, pesticides or grain products. Longhron beef is 97% lean and an excellent choice for the health conscious consumer. | zimmermanmeats.com | lazyblonghorns@outlook.com | |
Texas | Summersville | Zimmerman Meat | 417-932-5557 | lazyblonghorns.com | zimmermanmeats@gmail.com | ||
Texas | Cabool | Cabool Kountry Meats, LLC | 417-962-2112 | ||||
Texas | Licking | Jonathan Hagler | 417-260-2135 | Pork | |||
Texas | Houston | Josh & Shelbi Dixon | 417-260-3115 | Beef | |||
Texas | Salem | Nothaus Farms | 573-247-1139 | Beef | |||
Texas | Raymondville | Cody Nickels | 417-967-6484 | Beef | |||
Texas | Houston | Jake Sheets | 417-217-1931 | Beef | |||
Texas | Licking | Chanda Barker | 417-464-0302 | Beef | |||
Texas | Houston | Laura Spurlin | 417-217-9552 | Beef | |||
Texas | Licking | Stephanie Fike | 573-247-9684 | Beef | |||
Texas | Licking | Barker Family Farms | 573-674-2021 | I have grass fed Hereford cattle finished with grain for butcher and pasture raised hogs | bbarker325@hotmail.com | ||
Texas | Summersville | Romano Farm | 417-247-7882 | Grassfed beef/options available. | |||
Texas | Summersville | Amish Family Farm | 417-247-9835 | Our animals are grass fed on pasture with daily quality grains. No GMO, no hormones or antibiotics. All natural beef for sale. You are welcome to come visit our farm. Closed on Sunday. 4953 Marquis Rd. 44130, Summersville, MO 65571 | |||
Texas | Willow Springs | Black Angus Springs Farm | 417-252-0826 | We sell all natural, grassfed and grass finished beef. It is state inspected, frozen, Angus beef sold by the quarter, half or whole. | blackangusspringsfarm@gmail.com | ||
Texas | Houston | Ramsey Red Angus | 417-967-6232 | Selling mixed beef bundles, quarters, halves & whole beef. All pasture raised and finished with grain supplement. | ramseyredangus.com | info@ramseyreds.com | |
Vernon | Nevada | Cubbage Country Market | 417-667-5007 | ||||
Vernon | Nevada | Flying 3 Ranch | 417-448-9540 | Cow-calf operation All beef raised on this farm from our cows. | doug@tncnevada.com | ||
Vernon | Walker | Gundy Cattle | 417-448-4969 | 3rd generation cattle operation raising beef. Selling 1/4, 1/2 or whole beef. Call for availability | jennifergundy1@gmail.com | ||
Warren | Wright City | Wright City Meat Company, Inc | 636-745-3331 | Well sell retail and wholesale, we slaughter under USDA - Beef, Pork, Lamp, Goat and Bison | gc551@centurytel.net | ||
Warren | Warrenton | Farmer Girl Meats | 314-939-5535 | We bring clean, grass fed and pastured raised meats to porches around the St. Louis area via home delivery. | angie@farmergirlmeats.com | ||
Warren | Marthasville | Gratza Farms | 636-262-6719 | Freezer beef sold in 1/2 sides and whole beef. Processing is done by Davis meats in Jonesburg., MO. | dfratzafarms@mail.com | ||
Warren | Jonesburg | Hans Angus Farms | 636-359-2999 | We raise grass fed, corn fattened Angus cattle which we sell to individuals as freezer beef in portions of whole, halves or front/rear quarters. Thank you in advance. | hansangusfarms@gmail.com | ||
Warren | Warrenton | Jordan Herefords | 636-359-3741 | We are a small family owned farm location in Warren County. Our family has a great love for the Hereford breed, and we strongly believe in breeding high quality cattle. Feel free to give us a call whether you are interested in the availablity of our seedstock or just needing some delicious beef for your family. | http://www.jordanherefords.com | jordanherefords@yahoo.com | |
Washington | Cadet | Brewer & Sons | 636-586-9118 | ||||
Washington | Potosi | Mercille's Meat Market | 573-436-0686 | mercillemeats@gmail.com | |||
Washington | Bonne Terre | Chicken & The Hare Farm | 573-760-3322 | Chickens, eggs, meat rabbits. | branboyer@hotmail.com | ||
Washington | Potosi | Nash's Landfair Farm | 636-671-8060 | We breed, grow and sell butcher pigs. | bobnashcit@gmail.com | ||
Washington | Belgrade | Poverty Knob Farm | 573-854-7726 | We raise healthly and natural pork. Our pigs are locally grown with non-GMO grains, no growth hormones, dirt raised, and in natural and healthy environment. | http://www.facebook.com/PovertyKnob40 | povertyknob40@gmail.com | |
Wayne | Imperial | MMM Black Anguss Ranch | 314-681-7714 | Grass-fed Angus cattle. | jamil@2niceguys.com | ||
Wayne | Piedmont | Piedmont Procecssing | 573-223-4950 | facebook.com/pages/category/Butcher-Shop/Piedmont-Processing-1503846389882907/ | |||
Wayne | ERB Livestock | 501-270-0737 | erblivestock@gmail.com | ||||
Wayne | Thompson Farms | 573-300-2008 | |||||
Wayne | Patterson | Graham Farms | 573-856-4694 | Angus beef grain fed-no hormones. | grrahamfarms@semo.net | ||
Wayne | Silva | Commean Family Farms | 314-737-6828 | Grass fed beef, pork and limited amounts of chicken, law/mutton and goat available. Raw cows milk available year round. Deliveries twice weekly to the St. Louis metro area. Text 314-737-6828 to get on my delivery routes. | becky.commean@gmail.com | ||
Wayne | Patterson | 4 Arrows Cattle Co | 501-270-0737 | Offering 1/4's, 1/2's and whole beefs. | 4arrowscattleco.com | 4arrowscattleco@gmail.com | |
Webster | Elkland | Schotthofer's Sunny Creek Farm LLC | 417-859-0101 | Over 23 years experience in retail seeling of fine meats. All meat products sold have been processed at a State Inspected Plant. | SunnyCreekMeats.com | sunncreekmeats@gmail.com | |
Webster | Fordland | Wray Farms | 417-830-0174 | Our beef is born, fed and raised and finished on our farm. | craig.wray@yahoo.com | ||
Webster | Fair Grove | K5 Cattle Company | 417-425-3647 | We specialize in raising registered Hereford cattle, as well as commercial Herefords and Angus, that we use for producing top quality beef for our customers. | kaderly01@gmail.com | ||
Webster | Conway | R Squared Beefmasters | 417-429-3962 | We are beef producers in Southwest Missouri specializing in the Beefmaster breed. | r.squared.steel@gmail.com | ||
Webster | Seymour | Gibson Packing Co. | 417-935-4657 | Family owned packing house of 46 years. Custom butchering plus sale of over the counter meat. Beef, pork, chicken and fish. | remacpherson1@gmail.com | ||
Webster | Rogersville | Real Beef Direct | 417-839-3791 | We sell whole, half and quarter beef which has been born, raised and fed on our farm. | RealBeefDirect | scott@basslivestock.com | |
Webster | Rogersville | Witty Farms | 417-988-3438 | USDA certified Farm Fresh beef, locally raised and processed, multi generation farm. | facebook.com/WittyFarmsRog | ||
Webster | Rogersville | L III Farms | 417-861-1755 | We raise registered Herefords and commercial angus. Our steers are finished on corn silage, distillers grain and corn. We take great pride in offering a quality product and care greatly for our cattle. Offering quarter, half or whole beef, space still available for August bookings. | L3Farms.com | tluthy@mac.com | |
Webster | Marshfield | High Prairie Cattle Company | 417-943-0392 | We provide inspected beef for sale on shares or retail cuts. Grass fed and grain finished. No hormones or antibiotics. Just pure beef for our family farm. Angus and Red Angus cattle. | highprairiecattle.com | luke.inniger@gmail.com | |
Webster | Niangua | Two Bar D Beef Company | 417-306-6595 | Gap 4 certified beef. Which intails antibotic and hormone free meat. Grain finished for at least 180 days. Very quality 100% farm raised beef. You can buy a half, whole or even retail beef that will be USDA inspected! | wyattdill4@gmail.com | ||
Webster | Fordland | CopperTop Legacy Agriculture, LLC | 417-818-2743 | We are proud to represent the 6th, 7th, and 8th generations of our family to farm TOGETHER locally. We offer sales of whole or half beef and pork delivered to the local butcher for your convenience. Our beef is also available by the retail package. We are excited to serve you as your #417localfarmer. | 417localfarmer.com/coppertop-legacy-farm/ | ela51504@yahoo.com | |
Webster | Conway | P Bar Land & Cattle Co | 417-844-8974 | Black angus grass raised, grain finished beef. 30 years of AI. | Pbarlandandcattle@yahoo.com | ||
Webster | Fordland | JJ Cattle Ranch, LLC | 417-738-6553 | We're a family owned ranch dedicated feeding our customers the highest quality, ethically raised grass-feed beef available. | jjcattleranch.com | jjcattleranch@gmail.com | |
Worth | Denver | Ruckman Ranch | 816-261-1711 | Family Farm with school FFA and 4H projects, grass raised and grain finished top quality beef. | RuckmanRanch@yahoo.com | ||
Wright | Seymour | The Little Farm Store | 417-929-1338 | The Little Farm Store is a local grocery and farm to counter restaurant serving naturally delicious farm fresh foods. We have a family owned and operated farm growing all natural, bio-diverse and eco-centric food, located just north of Mansfield, Missouri. We also partner with other local farms and homesteads to fill our shelves with locally produced products. | facebook.com/PleasantValleyFamilyFarm/ | ||
Wright | Hartville | Hope Springs Farm | 417-300-4068 | hopespringsvenue.com | info@hopespringsvenue.com | ||
Wright | Mansfield | Ozarks Fresh Meats | 417-812-5258 | Beef, Grass-Fed Beef, Goats, Hogs, Lamb, Grass-Feb Lamb | ozarksfresh.com | ozarkfresh@gmail.com | |
Wright | Mountain Grove | Blackgate, LLC | 417-349-0504 | Grass fed beef | blackgatefarms.com | kirk@blackgatefarms.com | |
Wright | Mountain Grove | Peterson Livestock | 417-259-2738 | ||||
Wright | SF Cattle & Farm Products | 417-259-2233 | Stoferfarms@gmail.com | ||||
Wright | Harrison Farms USDA | 417-259-7077 | Certified ground beef | ||||
Wright | Graff | Dan & Sally Burd | 417-668-0112 | ||||
Wright | Norwood | Shaver Angus | 417-259-2443 | ||||
Wright | Norwood | Hooks Butchery & Meat Market | 417-746-1969 | ||||
Wright | Gaddis Farms | 417-259-1014 | |||||
Wright | Mountain Grove | Eric & Hala Edquist | 417-259-1739 | Commercial beef steers | hcedquist@gmail.com | ||
Wright | L&V Cattle Company | 417-849-4430 | lvcattlecompany@gmail.com | ||||
Wright | Hartville | BrandyBuck Beef from The Funny Farm | 417-741-7512 | Whole, half, quarters beeves available-sold by live weight. We take it to the processor and then deliver to your door. Our goal is to provide the best beef you've ever tasted. | denlynturn@hotmail.com | ||
Wright | Mountain Grove | Hendershot Farm | 417-234-5286 | Custom fed beef delivered to your favorite processing plant. No hormones. | mandcshot@yahoo.com | ||
Wright | Grovespring | Rocking Horse Livestock | 417-462-0158 | Regenerative grazing of commercial beef cattle. All natural, no added hormones, no antibiotics, no supplements besides salt with trace minerals. Corriente, Corriente/South Poll cross cattle. Grass finished heifers and steers for sale. Weaned stears and heifers for sale. | mike.foate@gmail.com | ||
Wright | Mansfield | Belle Meadow Farms | 540-333-4562 | We are a producer of Naturally raised grassfed beef. We practice regenerative agriculture to insure that our land and animals are the healthiest available. Our cows are grassfed and not fattened on grain. This provides for some of the healthiest meat in Missouri. We provide an organic mineral ration of Organic Sea Kep and Remond Salt. Our beef is sold in whole or half cow quantities. Please visit our website to palce an order. Additionally we are a producer of pastured poultry and eggs. At times we may also have produce to compliment the meat products we sell. We service the Branson and Springfield Metro Areas all teh way east to Mountain Grove and from Lebanon sounty Ava. Our farm is located in Mansfield, MO. | bellemeadowfarms.com | jeremy.duncan@bellemeadowfarms.com | |
` | Santa Fe, NM | Beck & Bulow | 800-674-8426 | Beck & Bulow offers pasture-raised buffalo, beef, elk, wild boar, lamb, heritage pork, poultry, will caught seaford and more. Come check out our butcher shop in Santa Fe, New Mexico or place an order for nationwide delivery. | beckandbulow.com | beckandbulow5@gmail.com | |
Powderly, TX | Slanker Grass Fed Meat | 903-732-4653 | Slaker Grass Bed Meat is a provider of high quality 100% grass fed beef. The business began in 1999 with Ted Slanker back on his farm near Powderly TX. His goal was to provide sage and healthy meat for family members, friends and neighbors. As word spread about the benefits of eating healthier food, he developed teh company into one that provides not only meat but also other grassfed products like eggs. Today you can purchase our products online or at various farmers markets across Texas including Dallas/Fort Worth area, Houston area, Austin area as well as other parts of the state. | texasgrassfedbeef.com | maryslanker04oct@gmail.com |
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