Missouri must take action on several priority issues for our rural areas to remain vibrant and grow into the 21st century.
Property Rights
Property rights are critical to farmers. They should not be disregarded for projects that are not proven public needs, like private, for-profit companies that are not directly serving Missourians.
Transportation & Infrastructure
Missouri’s transportation infrastructure needs more funding, including our river, road and rail networks. We must devote more resources to them.
Broadband Internet Access
Broadband internet access is essential for tomorrow’s economy. Missouri needs to coordinate efforts to bring our state up to modern standards.
Rural Healthcare
Rural Missourians need access to affordable, high-quality health services where they live. We must reduce healthcare costs and make it easier to get treatment in rural areas.
The beauty and fun of agriculture can be a big draw bringing tourist dollars into rural areas. We would like to see Missouri create a standardized road signage program to promote these popular destinations.
Wildlife Pests
Invasive species such as feral hogs and black vultures are causing havoc in Missouri. We must act quickly and decisively to get ahead of these pests and eradicate them before they spread throughout our state.
Value-Added Initiative
Processing raw goods in-state could keep billions more dollars in Missouri. This initiative could be the basis for Missouri agriculture’s future growth.
Missouri’s farmers export massive amounts of products to foreign countries. We need to open new markets and fix existing issues with our trading partners.