JEFFERSON CITY, MO – Missouri Farm Bureau’s Political Action Committee has endorsed Vicky Hartzler for re-election in Missouri’s 4th Congressional District. Trustees of the Missouri Farm Bureau West Central Regional Endorsement Committee recommended to endorse her re-election bid.

Hartzler is serving her fifth term in Congress and is a member of the House Agriculture Committee and the House Armed Services Committee. She has received the prestigious Friend of Farm Bureau Award from the American Farm Bureau Federation for each of her four completed terms.

“Congresswoman Hartzler has once again earned our endorsement for her unwavering support on issues of concern to farmers and ranchers,” said Dennis Feezor, chairman of the West Central Regional Endorsement Committee. “Since serving as a county Farm Bureau leader, she has upheld our values and remains committed to rural Missouri. We appreciate her work in Congress and look forward to electing her to a sixth term.”

Trustees are selected by their county Farm Bureau organizations. This is the sixth consecutive election in which Missouri Farm Bureau has endorsed Hartzler.

Missouri Farm Bureau is the state’s largest agriculture advocacy organization. To learn more about its work on behalf of Missourians, visit