Todd Hays of Monroe City was re-elected as vice president of the Missouri Farm Bureau Federation (MOFB) during the organization’s 109th annual meeting on December 5 at the Lake of the Ozarks. He was first elected vice president in 2010 and previously served on the Board of Directors’ District 2 seat representing northeast Missouri.
Before serving on the board for six years, Hays was appointed MOFB Young Farmers and Rancher (YF&R) chairman in 2003, serving in an advisory capacity on the board for one year.
Hays is a fifth-generation farmer. Together with his wife, Rosanne, they operate a diversified farm. They have row crops and a swine farm, managing a 600-sow herd and finishing hogs for market in partnership with Rosanne’s mother and brother. The Hays’ son, Donnie, returned to the farming operation after earning his college degree and manages the sow operation. Donnie and his wife, Ashley, live in Monroe City. The Hays also have a daughter, Juliana, who graduated from the University of Missouri. She is married to Cole Gilkey, and they live in Monroe City.
The Hays are Marion County Farm Bureau members. He has previously served as county vice-president and county YF&R chairman. At the state level, he serves as chairman of both Farm Bureau’s Resolutions and FARM-PAC Review committees. Community involvement includes the Knights of Columbus, FFA Alumni and Monroe City Agri-leaders. Hays is a former President and Vice President of the Monroe City R-1 school board. Commodity group involvement includes the pork and cattlemen’s producers, and soybean and corn growers.
In 1984, Hays received the FFA State Farmer Degree, and in 2004, he was named an FFA Honorary Chapter Farmer. In 1997, he was the Missouri Outstanding Young Farmer.
A photo of Todd Hays is available via this link. For additional information or to set up an interview with the winners, contact Janet Adkison, Director of Public Affairs and Advocacy, at 573-893-1467.