JEFFERSON CITY, MO – Missouri Farm Bureau’s East Central Regional Endorsement Committee has endorsed Jeanie Riddle for reelection in Missouri’s 10th State Senate District. Trustees interviewed Riddle and her general election opponent Ayanna Shivers on September 4 and voted unanimously to endorse Riddle’s candidacy.
“Senator Riddle has a proven track record of service to the public and to agriculture. She shares the values of Missouri Farm Bureau members,” said Larry Ware, a trustee from Lincoln County.
“Jeanie will listen to the voices of farmers, ranchers and rural Missourians. She understands the issues important to agriculture and rural Missouri. We look forward to working with her in the Missouri Senate,” said Alec Fodge, President of Monroe County Farm Bureau and member of the East Central Regional Endorsement Committee.
Trustees are selected by their county Farm Bureau organizations. They interview the candidates running in the general election, review voting records and seek their positions on issues prior to voting on endorsements. The 10th Senate District is comprised of Audrain, Callaway, Lincoln, Monroe, Montgomery and Warren Counties.