Missouri shoppers paid $0.01, yes one penny, more during the first quarter of 2016 than the final quarter of 2015 for the 16 food items on the American Farm Bureau Marketbasket survey. The 2015 total was $48.96 and in 2016, $48.97. Compared to one year ago, the price totaled an increase of $1.52.
“There were several price shifts but the bottom line mirrored the previous quarter,” said Diane Olson, Missouri Farm Bureau Director of Promotion and Education Programs. Missouri shoppers saw beef prices drop for ground chuck and sirloin tip roast but increase for pork and chicken items.
Of the items included on the listing, seven dropped in price while nine increased. Eggs, milk, potatoes, orange juice and flour were the other items with price drops. Those increasing in price included bacon, deli ham, chicken breasts, shredded cheese, apples, salad mix, cereal, bread and vegetable oil.
The national average price was $53.28, saving Missouri shoppers $4.31. Twelve items were less expensive while only four cost more.
Farmers are dedicated to providing consumers with food that meets a variety of tastes while providing affordable, nutritious choices.