Ken McDonald, Silex, was recognized for two years of service on Farm Bureau’s Promotion and Education (P&E) Committee during the 104th Missouri Farm Bureau annual meeting December 3 at Lake of the Ozarks.
Blake Hurst, Missouri Farm Bureau president, presented McDonald with a plaque during a Monday morning breakfast sponsored by the P&E Program. While on the committee, McDonald represented District 3 in the central area of the state. As a member of the 10-person state committee, he helped develop, implement and evaluate programs promoting agriculture and strengthening Farm Bureau.
McDonald and his wife, Laura, operate McDonald Farms and McDonald Farms Specialty Meats. The farming operation includes row crops and pasture. Their Century Farm involves both his parents and in-laws. Most of the calves from their 70-head beef cow herd are finished and sold locally to customers. Processed beef is also sold through McDonald Farms Specialty Meats.
He is a member of Lincoln County Farm Bureau where he has been secretary, treasurer and promotion and education chairman. McDonald belongs to the state cattlemen’s, soybean and corn associations.
The McDonald’s have two sons and a daughter.