Chad McCollough, of Burlington Junction, has been appointed to Missouri Farm Bureau’s Promotion and Education (P&E) Committee.
McCollough and his wife, Monica, raise corn, soybeans and niche-market feeder pigs. Monica also sells tunnel-grown vegetables to farmer’s markets. McCollough is still involved in his father’s farming operation in Crawford County, Iowa, as well.
McCollough is vice president of the Nodaway County Farm Bureau. In his community he coaches flag football and baseball, is a 4-H project leader and on the county’s fair board He is on the advisory board for the Northwest Missouri State University School of Agriculture, and is a an alumni of the ALOT Class XVI and Dupont Young Leader program.
The couple has three young sons, Tucker, William and Augustus.
McCollough’s appointment to the P&E committee was made at Missouri Farm Bureau’s annual meeting December 3 at the Lake of the Ozarks. He represents District 1 in the northwest area of the state. As a member of the 10-person committee, he will help develop, implement and evaluate projects and programs that promote agriculture.