Jason Kurtz, of Oregon, Mo., was elected to a two-year term on the Missouri Farm Bureau (MOFB) board of directors during the organization’s 104th annual meeting December 4 at the Lake of the Ozarks. Kurtz will represent District 1 in the northwest area of the state. He replaces Vernon Hart, of St. Joseph, who retired from the board after serving four terms.
Kurtz is a fourth generation farmer, growing 2,500 acres of row crops in Holt County. Using terraced, no-till practices on 100 percent of the family farm has increased their crop yields. He is currently Holt County Farm Bureau vice president, but has served as county president and on the MOFB feed grains, resolutions and Young Farmer & Ranchers committees. He is a member of the Missouri Corn Growers and Soybean associations and on the Missouri State Fertilizer Control Board.
He and his wife, Sarah, have two teenage children, Laci and Cade.