Tracy Gorman-White, Stark City, was recognized for two years of service on Farm Bureau’s Promotion and Education (P&E) Committee during the 105th Missouri Farm Bureau (MOFB) annual meeting December 9 at Lake of the Ozarks.
Blake Hurst, MOFB president, presented Gorman-White with a plaque during a Monday morning breakfast sponsored by the P&E Program. While on the committee, Gorman-White represented District 7 in the southwest area of the state. As a member of the 10-person state committee, she helped develop, implement and evaluate programs promoting agriculture and strengthening Farm Bureau.
Gorman-White earned her Associate of Applied Science degree in agri-business from Crowder College in Neosho. She is currently district manager for Newton and McDonald County Soil and Water Conservation District. In the past, she was employed with Bent Spoke Dairy, East Newton R-6 School District and Lowe’s. She grew up on a dairy farm in Newton County, but the dairy was sold in 2001. She now farms and is co-owner of a beef cattle operation with her father.
She has served as president of Newton County Farm Bureau, P&E chairperson and on numerous committees. In addition, she is actively involved with Newton County Extension and 4-H, East Newton Young Farmers, FFA Alumni, the Neosho Chamber of Commerce, and East Newton Band Boosters. She has two children.