The new year is underway, and the countdown to spring has started. There’s typically something to appreciate in each day and season, so I try not to get ahead of myself and wish the calendar away. That said, you’ve heard of “fair weather fishermen?” When the temps hit single digits and the evening darkness blankets the late afternoon, I become more of a fair-weather human!
For our MOFB member farm families, who raise the feed, food, fiber, and fuel to meet the world’s needs, this is any typical winter day that ends with Y. That said, it seems the winter doldrums have set in, and we could use some inspiration while we wait for spring.
This week, a few dozen Missouri farm families escaped the cold and fled south to San Antonio for the American Farm Bureau Federation’s annual meeting. While it’s not a sunny Texas summer, the temps are at least above freezing. These MOFB members and more than 4,000 fellow Farm Bureau members from across the country came together to celebrate agriculture, its workforce, and generate ideas and policies to help farmers, ranchers, and rural communities thrive.
Amid the four-day conference, several county Farm Bureaus were recognized for their outstanding efforts to educate and connect with consumers. This year, AFBF selected and featured two counties from Missouri. DeKalb County and their “Farm Safety Workshop” featured a mini-grain bin that helped teach elementary school students about grain bin and chemical safety.
Livingston County’s “Wheels on the Farm Go Plant, Tend and Harvest” included monthly activities at a children’s library where members shared information about agricultural products.
The convention also allowed groups within the organization, like the Promotion and Education Committee, to meet with counterparts from other states to share ideas and plan projects for the year ahead. At the same time, the Young Farmers and Ranchers (YF&R) Committee allowed members ages 18 to 35, to meet with other young families and cheer on fellow members in YF&R competitions.
The annual AFBF convention occurs in the heart of winter, but the event warms the heart when you see the interactions and personal connections made with others across the country. These members, representing every age group and every state, have embraced the opportunity to learn, grow, and find opportunities that will serve members today and well beyond tomorrow.
Anyone who missed the AFBF convention will have more opportunities to connect during the MOFB Fellowship meetings. Make plans to join us at a stop near you for an evening of camaraderie, dining and laughter, along with a short update on regulatory and legislative activities. Dates and locations include February 6 in Mt. Vernon, February 11 in Cameron, February 26 in Auxvasse, and March 25 in Pacific.
MOFB members should contact their regional coordinator or local Farm Bureau office to register for the free meal and feel free to bring friends! More than anything, these gatherings are meant to connect with others and invigorate our hearts as we look ahead to warmer weather and another year of growth and opportunities in Missouri agriculture.