JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. — Amy Jo Estes, of Rosebud, was elected to a 2-year term on the Missouri Farm Bureau board of directors during the organization’s 102nd annual meeting December 6 at the Lake of the Ozarks. Estes will represent members south of the Missouri River in the at-large position. She won an open election after Teribeth Spargo, of Naylor, retired from the board.
As a member of the board, Estes is vice-chair of the state promotion and education committee. The committee is responsible for Agriculture in the Classroom projects and other promotional activities. Estes has served on the 10-member P&E committee in the past.
She was a Missouri Department of Education STARR Teacher in 2002-2003 and named Inspirational Teacher in 2014 and 2016 for the Gasconade R-2 High School. Estes recently left the classroom and is now Heartland Regional Manager for Ayusa, a global youth exchange organization that manages hundreds of exchange students in seven states. During the Missouri State Fair in August, she is also dairy superintendent. She is very involved in band boosters, 4-H and Extension.
When she can, Estes also helps her husband, John, on the farm when they care for a cow/calf herd and grow hay. John’s family also owns Rosebud Tractor and Equipment. Estes has been involved in the Gasconade County Farm Bureau and is a past Young Farmer & Rancher county chair and past member of the state Farm Bureau YF&R committee.
The couple has two daughters, Hannah and Sarah.